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Wifi issue with iPhone 6?

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Has anyone else experienced issues with the wifi on the iPhone 6? I don't know if it is the iPhone 6 or the iOS 8.


The wifi randomly goes off and can't find a signal.  I put it on airplane mode and off again and still nothing - even when it is next to the router.  The only thing that resolves the issue is to reset the phone, although it is just a temporary measure and it happens agin 1 or 2 days later.

Message 1 of 66

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No doubt they will swap the phone so make a backup before you go in slight_smile
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Message 11 of 66

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Level 23: Casual Specs
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@MI5 wrote:
No doubt they will swap the phone so make a backup before you go in slight_smile

I've done about 4 backups just to make sure slight_smile

Message 13 of 66

Not applicable
Good move.

I make them to iCloud and iTunes.
Message 14 of 66

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@gemz4the1 wrote:

@MI5 wrote:
No doubt they will swap the phone so make a backup before you go in slight_smile

I've done about 4 backups just to make sure slight_smile

You can never have too many wink

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Message 15 of 66

Level 23: Casual Specs
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So here's an update.

I went to the Apple store.

I explained the problem, I also mentioned the issue of my phone cutting off during some calls.

I was told that a diagnostics needs to be done so I had to connect to the Apple wifi.

It took a few minutes for my phone to even locate the Apple wifi and more time to connect to it.  I was told this was a bit odd.

When the diagnotics was run it showed that the wifi was normal, but I was told that should be expected for a new phone.  I don't know why the wifi issue was not detected. They saw the issue with finding and connecting to wifi but as it doesn't show in the diagnostics nothing could be done.  The diagnostics also showed that there was an issue with the springboard and that a few calls have been dropped.

I was told that it may be a software issue.  I was advised to restore it.  I said I had to restore it the day I got it due to an issue with the wifi.  I was told to restore it to a new phone and lose all of my pictures.  I was not happy as I have 2000+ pictures. 

I was told I had to restore it and wait 2 weeks for the logs to collect.

I'm not happy with their suggestion as I know the wifi will go off again.  So I guess I just have to wait 2 weeks.

Message 16 of 66

Not applicable
Hi Gemma

I appreciate your frustration and I'm a little disappointed that they didn't swap it out but as long as you follow their requests and it does not remedy the situation then they would really have to swap it out.
Message 17 of 66

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That's not the usual Apple good service 😞
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Message 18 of 66

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Disappointing if I'm honest given that it's not just the one problem. Maybe the next update release will help...

Message 19 of 66

Not applicable
It could be an iOS problem as I had a few occasions where my iPad wouldn't connect to WiFi. Had to manually connect to wifi.
Message 20 of 66