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Community Activity


Hello I put £10 into my account yesterday to cover the rolling plan as it was due yesterday to find out it was not taken. I just had a phone call cut off saying I need to top up. So instead of automatically taking the £10 for my bundle it has used it...

Zfold 3 5G Wifi Cant be enabled and Phone randomly Restarting

Hi all,Im having trouble with my phone, it appears from a cold start of the device after its been off for about 30 mins or so, it can connect to wifi and seems to run fine for about 30mins to an hour or so, but if i open up the screen the wifi instan...

Word Association Thread (New)

As the old thread has disappeared off the 'face of the earth', I've started a new thread for those of us who enjoy Off Topic.Along the lines of the previous one, the idea is someone writes a word and the next person adds another word linked to the pr...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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I have paid my bill before my direct debit was due, but you have taken my payment from my direct debit which has made me overdrawn can this be paid back to my bank please thank you Ann McLoughlin

AnnieMac by Level 1: Joiner
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Bonfire Night Brain Teaser - Mon 04 Nov 2024

Welcome to the Bonfire Night Brain Teaser The Brain Teaser is open to all members of the 02 Community.Those wishing to take part must pm [private message] me [@Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 9 am today [Mon 04 Nov 2024] and 11 pm tomorrow [Tues...

MiAmigo_0-1730696587689.jpeg MiAmigo_1-1730696587833.png
Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Order stuck in processing!

I've had my order stuck in processing for over a month now and still no end in sight. I was told it'd he resolved in a couple of days, then a week, then a month. Now it's been more than a month and the support team are no help at all! Was meant to be...

Canceling contract while abroad

I'm abroad for 4 months. I've bought a local sim which is much cheaper than using the o2 International plans. I want to cancel my o2 contract for now so I'm not paying my o2 bill for the next 4 months while I'm not using it, but I don't want to leave...

lozzer by Level 1: Joiner
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Thought of the day

As part of the #o2surprise that I received last week, there was a jar of smiles. Many were keen to see what would come out of the jar each day, so here are the ones so far! The one that I picked out on Friday was "If you want to see the rainbow, you ...

gmarkj by Level 66: Unequalled
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Apple Watch FAQs & Activation Guide

Hello, everybody Another hot topic I've spotted on the Community is members questioning error codes being received when trying to set up their new Apple Watch In response to this, I've created a guide...


Guide - Gift With Purchase

Hey, everybody After a couple of months as Community Manager, I've noticed one of the biggest trends we see from members, are questions on how to redeem their Gift With Purchase after a recent order. ...


Guide to O2 BARs

A glance at the spread and types of questions coming into the Community Forum shows there is a fairly large number of restrictions that can be, or are, applied to a phone, tablet, watch or to an O2 ac...


The Doro 1370 mobile phone

It's all smartphones nowadays, so if you are looking for an 'ordinary' mobile phone with buttons just like the 'old days', and a large clear display or just fancy a change from Nokia then the Doro 137...