on 20-12-2023 14:21
So I'm having issues with my new phone and having issue with o2 customer services. Long story short I am giving it to Saturday for the issue to be resolved. If not I will be looking to move to another provider. Now the issue with my phone is to do with bars and is a technical fault so I cannot use my phone (cannot receieve or send texts or calls) Can I get a PAC code without texting?
on 20-12-2023 14:39
I went through to customer services and then they transferred me to the retention team, who gave me the PAC code verbally, I confirmed it around 5 times so we will see if it works.
on 20-12-2023 14:49
All ways in our guide Guide: How to get your PAC [June 2021 Update]
on 20-12-2023 15:18
on 20-12-2023 15:18
tell us how it goes