on 25-02-2017 10:45
on 25-02-2017 10:45
Why is my phone refusing to send voice/text/data yet receives voice text data ?
on 25-02-2017 11:46
on 25-02-2017 11:46
@Anonymous Have you checked to see if there is a network issue in your area? http://status.o2.co.uk/
on 25-02-2017 11:47
yes checked that all is fine no problems
on 25-02-2017 11:48
ASDA which I believe is EE
on 25-02-2017 11:50
on 25-02-2017 11:50
You need to speak to customer service http://www.o2.co.uk/contactus If you cannot get through on your phone by normal means, borrow someone else's phone and call on 0800 032 1402.
on 25-02-2017 11:51
on 25-02-2017 11:51
@Anonymous use live chat to explain the porting in has not completed use the contactus link above select live chat
on 25-02-2017 18:46
Fine if you are OK to wait HOURS !!!!! whilst you are in a que ... I REALLY DO MEAN HOURS on speaker phone
on 25-02-2017 18:47
Live chat appears to be DEAD CHAT !
on 25-02-2017 18:50
on 25-02-2017 18:50
on 25-02-2017 19:08
on 25-02-2017 19:14
on 25-02-2017 19:14
@Anonymous wrote:
That's what they sent me! I don't speak / read Spanish either
@MercedesS does.
She'll translate for us.