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complaints process

Not applicable

is there a proper complaints process, iv been trying to resolve a issue for over a week and customer services are not helpful. i have sent a email to complaints review services but had no response. out of pocket by over £250 which is 02's fault

Message 1 of 30

Not applicable

just want to know the governing body? not being awkward

Message 21 of 30

Not applicable

Have you had a look at this page?,KB=Companion,question=ref(user):str(RelatedHe...


The Impartial Complaints Review service aims to deal with your case within 7 days.


However you need to allow up to 8 weeks for a complaint to be dealt with, at which point you can contact the Ombudsman:


Dispute Resolution


If we haven’t been able to sort things out within eight weeks, the ombudsman can review your complaint for free. Unless there is a deadlock situation, they won’t look at cases that are less than eight weeks old. Contact them directly at:


Ombudsman Services: Communications

PO Box 730




Phone: 0330 440 1614 

Textphone: 0330 440 1600



For information on your consumer rights, get free advice from your local citizens advice bureau (CAB), consumer advice centre, local authority trading standards or consumer protection department. You'll find their contact details in the local telephone directory or ask at your town hall or local authority offices. 

Message 22 of 30

Not applicable

thanks thats all i needed its been over 7 days and even if we leave 02 this is still going to be a formal complaint

Message 23 of 30

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As stated previously, refunds can take more time than you, or anyone else would like them to take. This doesn't just happen with O2. It happens with any big company you have to deal with to get a refund from. If you don't allow the time, and allow for the process to run its course, your complaint will most likely fall on deaf ears.


By all means complain if your feel you have a legitimate grievance, and voice your displeasure by changing providers, if you think that will make a difference. But before you do, make sure that whichever network you want to move to can provide you with the same coverage you now get with O2 both at home and at any other places you, and your children, may frequent. Most people who move in anger don't check these things out before they jump, and many wind up regretting it.


Message 24 of 30

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

thanks thats all i needed its been over 7 days and even if we leave 02 this is still going to be a formal complaint

All of that information was available from the link in the very first reply to this thread.


I'd suggest you calm down, let Chiara sort things from her end and in a day or two once its all sorted you can decide if you want to take things to the ombudsman. You're obviously upset at the moment and are missing points where we are trying to help.


It may have been over 7 days but thats when they "aim" to resolve complaints by, its a guide line, not a promise.


However, as that page states, the ombudsman won't look at complaints that are less than 8 weeks old so you are going to have to wait anyway and allow O2 to complete their review.

Message 25 of 30

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@Anonymous wrote:

thanks thats all i needed its been over 7 days and even if we leave 02 this is still going to be a formal complaint

Strange, we had given you that link three times!


You must exhaust the O2 compaints service and if the problem remains unresolved you can ask the Ombudsman to help.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 26 of 30

Not applicable

you have no idea what me or my family has been through over the last week. none of you have the full details to my problem or know how i have been spoken to by 02 representatives. at one point getting sent to 02 shop and being charged £50 extra for a phone which was free then bieng told it was my own fault for accepting it. not once have i remarked on or underminded your opinions, i accept didnt read all of the link you sent as i had been on that page before many times.  we have since had an understanding representative from 02 who is understanding the situation, unlike the 10 or so before but still shouldnt be like that. as mentioned £250 out of pocket not funny

Message 27 of 30

Level 69: Guiding Light
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@Anonymous wrote:

you have no idea what me or my family has been through over the last week.

This is true, we can only help with the information you give us! Smiley Indifferent


I'm sure O2 will put this right if you give them time to sort out what has gone wrong.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 28 of 30

Not applicable

No-one is disputing what you have been through, we are just trying to give you the best advice as fellow customers...which you were ignoring because you were more interested in making a complaint than taking advice. This is why I asked you to calm down previously slight_smile


You're very right that it shouldn't be like that, but it goes back to what I said, you have experienced horrendous customer service, and that is worth complaining about once you have everything resolved.


I'm glad that someone has been in touch since your last post and is able to help you, I'm assuming this has been after Chiara's intervention. I hope they get it all sorted for you and you get all of your money back.


Keep us posted on what happens!


Message 29 of 30

Not applicable
Aliellis, I've been informed that a CS representative has tried to contact you several times today and left you a message. Hope you manage to speak to him tomorrow and resolve your problems.

Message 30 of 30