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Community Spotlight - Curmudgeon

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Happy Friday everyone!


It's time for the first Community Spotlight of the year, and today we'll be learning more about ... Drum


Curmudgeon bulb


Since he joined the forum last November, he has become a regular contributor around here. He answered a few of our questions to help you guys get to know him better but you can ask him some more in the below if you're curious about anything wink


What’s your name and where are you from?

Leigh from Leeds, but I now live in The Midlands


Why did you join the O2 forum initially?

To find out about the network, it’s strengths, weaknesses & info on the Moto G5 I bought on a Black Friday deal


What do you like best about the Community?

@Glory1 because they too are a Good Wife / Good Fight fan!


Apple, Android or Windows?

Apple for phone, Android for tv shows (Metal Mickey anyone?) and Windows for a 90s gaming pc.. (Red Alert & Carmageddon) 


Favourite movie and/or TV Show?

Movies - Mary Poppins / The Sound of Music / Victor/Victoria 

TV - Wentworth Prison / Prisoner Cell Block H / The Good Fight 


Do you have any pets?

I’d love a pet, but with the amount of time I spend out of the house it would be unfair to leave him/her alone.


What is your favourite word?



What is your zombie apocalypse plan?

Trip you up and leave you!  


What is your perfect pizza like?

Pepperoni, Chorizo and extra cheese please! 


Future developments in mobile tech you’re looking forward to?

I’m not looking forward to anything really. I just sit here amazed at the things people invent, but then find myself wondering why such simple ideas weren’t thought up &/or implemented sooner!


What do you like to do in your spare time, besides hanging out around here?

After getting rid of my car 11 years ago I began walking everywhere, but with dodgy feet I turned to biking instead.


I bought a hybrid for £65 from a friend. Covering 8000 miles in my first year meant I needed to save for a Road Bike, which I did. Up until last year I was accident free(near enough) but after 3 consecutive months of offs & a stay in hospital, I swapped it for an ex hire mountain bike. It took me a few months to outgrow that and now I’m currently waiting for my Cube Acid 2018 to be invisi-framed & built ready for my 1st reliability trial in June & a few off road races over the summer!


My other passion.. music.. it’s on 24/7. Madonna, Muse, Bette Midler, ELO, Fleetwood Mac, Steps, The 80s & 90s ..but none of that stuff the kids of today call music.. ugh .. 


Awesome stuff, thanks again @Curmudgeon for your answers!


Feel free to say hi or ask any follow-up questions in the comments, and have a lovely weekend everyone slight smile

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Message 1 of 107
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I think I remember the explanation @Anonymous gave but I don't want to step on any toes here, so I'll also leave him to explain again. Do love the pic though.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 81 of 107

Not applicable
Thanks for the pic @pgn! And your number 9 makes me wonder what a grown up minion looks like? (those glasses)

For me, the picture portrays what I think bipolar looks like.
Message 82 of 107

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

For me, the picture portrays what I think bipolar looks like.


I have had bipolar disorder for many years & I think the picture @Anonymous is truly representative of BPD

btw, it isn't a secret on the community that I have BPD ... it is, I find, part of the process of living with BPD to be aware of this myself & let (some) other people know too, in case they do not wish to know me anymore / or do wish to get to know me more, in life, in general Cat



Message 83 of 107

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@Anonymous wrote:

For me, the picture portrays what I think bipolar looks like.


@Anonymous wrote:


@I have had bipolar disorder for many years & I think the picture@Anonymous is truly representative of BPD  

I noticed the full-size version I found was from a selection on Pinterest that is related to BPD, come to think of it. Probably a good idea for some others to be aware if a person has the condition, good idea!


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I have to say I find your last comment a bit worrying really.

I have no idea why, just because you have a bi-polar disorder, you would think no-one would want to get to know you?

It's no different to any other condition, only in the fact it affects the mind. Every condition can be treated with the right medication.

It's more worrying for you, than anyone else on here I think.

Absolutely nothing to be ashamed of at all. heart

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 85 of 107

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PS. One of my closest friends has BPD. She doesn't care and neither do any of us.

She is an absolute joy to be with and one of the funniest, kindest people I know.

As she says. 'I don't need labelling, I am who I am'. Good for her. Faces life head on....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 86 of 107

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@Anonymous wrote:
Thanks for the pic @pgn! And your number 9 makes me wonder what a grown up minion looks like? (those glasses)

For me, the picture portrays what I think bipolar looks like.

About the grown-up minion, might be a good thing to have around sometimes...rofl


Message 87 of 107

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These days we all have to learn to live with life changing episodes. There is nothing to be ashamed of having BPD, it doesn't change the person you are. Jane, you have a heart of gold and kindness in abundance. Sadly, some people's perceptions when you mention BPD are very negative and  they make ill-formed opinions and immediately, in their eyes, they see it as something awful.

Thankfully, all sorts of support exists and more and more people are coming to understand BPD, depression, stress and the invisible things another person cannot possibly see on first sight. Friends don't care and don't judge. We cope in our own ways but we need to seek professional help too. We cannot cope alone. I am not ashamed to say I have twice weekly visits from mental health nurses, without their professional care I wouldn't cope I know but see me outside, no one knows and I certainly couldn't mention it to anyone. I'm not ashamed but I'm quite private as a person and only those who I trust, do I share it with. OK it's public on here now but only a few people know me personally. I'm just a community member hiding behind a username just like everyone else.Some of us have problems, much worse for some who have been given the worst possible news. To me, they are the real people I have the most respect for their remarkable courage.

Whatever stigmas are still out there are being addressed and people are being educated through all forms of media now. Not before time!

Message 88 of 107

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:


I have to say I find your last comment a bit worrying really.

I have no idea why, just because you have a bi-polar disorder, you would think no-one would want to get to know you?

It's no different to any other condition, only in the fact it affects the mind. Every condition can be treated with the right medication.

It's more worrying for you, than anyone else on here I think.

Absolutely nothing to be ashamed of at all. heart

Hi @Cleoriff ... just got in from being dragged out of the mire by a very good friend to join other friends in the pub ... sorry Cleo not replied before but I don't know how to respond to members of the community using my phone as also with my previous 2 phones = me being a permanent tech numpty

I have a chemical imbalance in my brain which I am on medication for including 2 x anti-physotic different tablets ... I believe in the medication morning & night ... my circummstances over many years have also had major effects

I am not allowed professional help, other than my GP. I have been called a nutter outside my front yard gate by a most unworthy woman, one who has a reputation not to boast about ... Lots of times I have invested my time & money into friendships only to loose the so-called friend when the BPD is mentioned so hence I don't waste my time anymore on people like these

My good friends accept me for who I am & I am very grateful for these friendships

I tackle problems head on as they don't go away in my experience

Years gone by I would have been known as a woman who suffers with her nerves

Ignorant people think BPD is split personality = it isn't

I had a busy day yesterday, didn't sleep a wink last night & have been trying to rest up today ... tomorrow I have to be in gear to visit my mum & tend to her needs

When my son Alex was telling his future wife about me - he told me he had said to her that I am mentally disabled = I went with that = no problems there

Guilt ... survival / self preservation / putting on my Happy Face when out of the house - not ever being Good Enough = Black Sheep of the Family - short n fat - old with a well-lived in face etc etc etc

As an animal I see myself as a koala bear = all toffee eyes, furry, cuddly, an endagered species ... but ... if me or mine are threatened I morph into Brown Bear particularly protecting my son Alex & his wife Emma whatever the cost to myself ... thank you to you good people above not least @Anonymous for it is his thread ... special mention to @Cleoriff @jonsie & @pgn

Image result for images for koala bear

Related image

Message 89 of 107

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I have just read the heartfelt comments posted by @jonsie and @Anonymous. I admire you both tremendously for sharing your rather personal mental health issues on here. 


Let me say upfront that I personally could care less that you have BPD Jane nor that @Anonymous suffers from the same. It changes not one jot the people you are which is all that matters to me. As for @jonsie I've said it before and say it again how much I admire his courage in the face of a most horrific, life changing experience. I fully understand how such an experience could affect him mentally. Again I care not at all as I see you @jonsie as one of the kindest people who with @Cleoriff made me feel so welcome as a newbie in the community and who I continue to count as friends, as I do you @Anonymous.


People need to be a lot more understanding and remember but for the grace of God it could be them in a similar situation. I count myself lucky as I know there are people far far worse off than me. I live each day as if it were my last and enjoy life to the full.


I don't care what other people think. I learned many years ago people are going to judge you based often on their own misconceptions of how other people should behave. You can't allow their misconceptions to affect how you are. Just be true to yourself always and the true friends will remain true no matter what happens to you physical or mental, in your life. The fairweather friends will drop by the wayside and good riddance: who needs them.


With me, what you see is what you get. No airs nor graces. People have to take me as I am. I've stopped worrying about how people view me years ago when I realised I couldn't change their opinions no matter what I did or said. Some people are going to like me while others dislike me. Those that dislike me, well that's their problem, I don't let that change me nor how I behave and, anyway I'm too old to change now joy

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 90 of 107