on 24-09-2024 14:09
I am on 02 Business Customer and (sadly) in contract until February 2026. The network coverage where I live here in Taunton, Somerset has been getting progressively worse and worse for me in recent years. So much so, that I am actually surprised when I have anything more than 3G. Would there be a term in my contract saying something along the lines of O2 has failed in its obligations to me therefore I can leave the contract early? I'm so sick of it.
on 24-09-2024 14:40
on 24-09-2024 14:40
@JackBattersby See if anything in the guides below helps:
How can I sort out my network issues? - o2uk
Why do I have poor coverage indoors? (o2.co.uk)
My Network App - Find Out More About Your Network Coverage | Apps | O2
WiFi and 4G Calling: Everything You Need To Know (o2.co.uk)
If nothing works, you can lodge a formal complaint here: How to Complain | Help | O2
We understand that it's taking O2 around 8 weeks to reply, and there's still no guarantee that your issue will be resolved.
You could also cancel and write it off as a business expense, but before you do, get Pay & Go sims from the other networks to see if you get a better signal from any of them.
on 24-09-2024 14:58
@JackBattersby O2 (and other networks) have got your situation covered in the Terms and Conditions you signed, as no way out there.
I have to say that if coverage has been getting worse for some years why did you stick with O2
on 24-09-2024 22:16
No network guarantees a particular radio access technology (or "G") to provide coverage in any particular location, T&Cs do provide for this.
Neither do those legals guarantee a fault-free service 24/7/365. If you pursued any formal claim, O2 could very easily argue that by recently re-contracting, that you have accepted the coverage levels in this area.
on 25-09-2024 20:39