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o2 Signal Issues - email to Ronan Dunne, CEO

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Dear Mr Dunne

Please forgive me for contacting you directly. This is an extremely rare occurrence for me however I have been driven to total despair by your company's dreadful customer service and a downward spiral in signal performance.
I appreciate you are a busy man but I will keep this brief.
In my home postcode (XXXX XXX) and according to your website, I should get a "good indoor and outdoor 2g" coverage. OH NO I DON'T. I have repeatedly told o2 this and yet still your company lies to potential customers.
In my work postcode (XXXX XXX) and again according to your website, I should get a "good indoor and outdoor 3g & 2g" coverage. However the data signal is now regularly failing to connect. Apparently the network is congested but o2 have no plans to resolve the issue. So, you expect me to pay my contract costs on time but you refuse to provide a working service? How does that work?
I could give you a whole list of postcodes however I wont be so pedantic.
I have been in regular contact with o2 Customer Services who have repeatedly lied, never let you talk to a manager, failed to return calls, it takes over 30 minutes to even get them to answer these days and all I keep hearing is "terms and conditions".
Now as a business man, you will know that a contract requires two equal parties to sign up to and that each party must adhere to its obligations. I pay my bill on time. Do o2 give me a good signal? I dont expect 4g here yet, I recognise that. But all I get is negative from o2.
I have complained to the Complaints Review Service, who to be honest are about as useful as a chocolate fireguard. Their response? LEAVE. Simple as that. If you dont like it, leave. Is this how o2 treats its customers these days? The old o2 would make sure that the customer got a great service. Today's o2 doesnt give a damn. I have told o2 Complaints Review Service that leaving is the last option I would want to take, however if I do then I will take the handsets with me (as I paid for them 2 x £150) however CRS are demanding the handsets back (as I paid for them, I own them).
Recently, many more customers have taken to social networks to complain about o2 and their signal issues. Indeed, at a recent press conference you yourself said that 4g was not causing the current signal issues and that o2 were not being effective at getting that message across. So clearly o2 are experiencing signal issues and you have effectively admitted that. But nowhere was a solution mentioned.
Across the o2 community forum, people who have been o2 customers since BT Cellnet days are now saying they are going to move to other networks. I have never seen such negative feedback about o2.
So Mr Dunne, as Chief Executive Officer, you tell me what you are going to do about this? You tell me how you are going to sort out my issues to make me smile about o2 again. I have never seen a company's fall from grace be so spectacular as that of o2 currently. Others have fallen from grace yes, and went under. Is that what you want for o2? Remember there is a resurgent Vodafone, awash with cash, who plan to make the mobile world a much better place.
Will you reply to a customer? I doubt it, well, at least not personally. However I will watch with baited breath to see if a solution can be found.
Best regards
Message 1 of 79

Not applicable
Please note that by putting a post on here it will NOT reach Mr Dunne (CEO O2).

Are you trying to connect to the Internet? If so you will need to turn wifi on in your device settings, click on search networks, select your home router and enter in your password which as advised above is normally found underneath your router (unless you have previously changed it in router settings).

Please let us know how you get on.
Message 61 of 79

Not applicable


I thinking you may not have received this email I sent yesterday , so I am repeating it now. Thank you for your email ,with the information  you give me on the last one allowed me to successfully and finally get the Wifi to work. I bought the Paperwhite for my wife and she is happy with it now and I am over the moon after many hours of frustration, I can't thank you enough,

                                                       Yours Sincerely,

                                                                                   Arthur Boston.

Message 62 of 79

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

We've all been hit by signal drop at some point which all the networks suffer from ,but it is still frustrating.

I was affected by nearly 3 weeks not too long back with intermittent signal.

3 weeks? Arn't you the lucky one


Message 63 of 79

Not applicable
Hi @Anonymous

I remain on Payg for a few reasons.

One is I'm not locked into a long term contract.

Two I can move networks without having to give any notice or pay a fee.

I used O2 and other Network Payg SIM cards where I live, work and commute to ensure I received good signal. And then chose.

Not lucky but forward planning.

Obviously no one can forward plan for mast issues Or congestion. 😞

If i had signal issues for two years I certainly would be .....

A , miffed.
B , doing all I can to nullify the contract.
Message 64 of 79

Not applicable

@ B.O.B 

I don't use payg for several reasons.

1) No need for topping up (I can do without the hasstle)

2) Direct debits, I don't need to think about paying (I can do without the hasstle)

I had to let my Vodafail contract run its course, so for 18 months I suffered with low data speed etc.

Had I known o2 share masts with Vodafail I would not of even considered o2 as a viable alternative.

My own fault for not even considering the concept of mast sharing.

My own fault for believing what I'm told by representavies of o2 who no doubt get commision for each contract sale.


Forward planning? it's a phone for christs sake. Not life insurance!!!

Message 65 of 79

Not applicable

I do believe forward planning is important.

Yes it's a phone but can be linked to a two year contract.

This is a long term commitment that costs up to approx £1000 !

Definitely worth a little forward planning in my book. slight_smile

Auto top up on Payg takes away the hassle of topping up.

Mast sharing between the Networks was in the media and on the Net for public consumption

I appreciate your frustration.
Message 66 of 79

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I've had no data on my local mast for nearly 12 months now but fortunately I can use WiFi otherwise I'd be moving my main sim to another network.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 67 of 79

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Not surprised by the many pages of frustration here. I pay around £100pm to o2 for 3 phones. I was fed all the crap early on when I complained about advice and network coverage, all the rubbish about masts and upgrades, all the rubbish about Tugo being available on Windows phones, all the nonsense advice from Gurus both in store and on line. Frankly I gave up. I vent it on here every now and then but everywhere I go bar major cities o2 service is awful, beyond awful. But even in Norwich last week, right in the centre I couldn't scrape more than 2g. o2 is reliant on stores and cafes providing wifi, it is the only chance I get to use the phone. Yes I have the app to check how crap the service is. All was running fine apparently! 

Need I mention texts? I get about 20 all at once, some a week old, if I stray into an o2 area. Useless and a joke. And yes I know only EE guarantee to deliver within 24 hours, that escape clause buried deep in o2's conditions. Not much good for picking kids up is it? "oh sorry I'm a week late".    


I cannot wait to get out but it sickens me to the stomach I will have paid nearly £2000 for a service that offers an hours wait to speak to anyone at customer service, chat help that is entirely scripted, network coverage that is a disgrace and the dream of 2g more than a few miles outside a city centre a distant dream. 


They clearly know what is going on, they refuse to acknowledge it or concede, once you are locked in they have zero interest in your welfare as a customer.


Message 68 of 79

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Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear you're not happy, but I may be able to help you.

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Message 69 of 79

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I'm afraid Chris1963 is saying what many others (including me) have either said or are thinking.

O2 us becoming a bit of a joke out there. Refuse to listen. Refuse to improve. Refuse to acknowledge the problems.

As another forum regular has said repeatedly. O2 ARE NOT THE COMPANY THEY USED TO BE
Message 70 of 79