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o2 Refresh Queries

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Hello everyone, I have searched and searched through the FAQs and can't seem to find a decent answer.


I am an o2 Refresh customer, I was about a year into an o2 contract (been with them for at least ten years as payg and then onto contract) and my phone was knackered so I used o2 refresh in August 2014 to get a new phone early. Unfortunately not knowing much about phones I picked the most awful piece of rubbish ever - a Sony Xperia E1 - and hated it even more than my previous BlackBerry (and thats saying something!). Laggy and slow and stuck all the time and I wish the people working in the o2 shop had told me what a mistake I was making... anyhow!


Being only a few months into it but desperately needing a phone that actually works when I need it to I decide to look at my options... Since September I actually started working in a phone shop and I can get a really good staff deal (much much much better than o2's terrible deals) so what I've just done is paid off my device plan and "upgraded" to the cheapest 30 day simplicity tariff.


So am I right in thinking that at the end of this 30 days I can cancel with o2 and go over to my rival network? Should I request a PAC code from o2 BEFORE the 30 days is up or AFTER?


Don't get me wrong I've never had any problems with o2 and think they're a great network, but you can't blame me for wanting to take advantage of a staff deal! And I really REALLY need a phone that doesn't take fifteen minutes to respond! Thanks for any help!

Message 1 of 27

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I really appreciate you all taking the time to respond to me, thanks!
Message 11 of 27

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You're welcome. 😄
Message 12 of 27

Level 94: Supreme
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Happy to help, Hetty slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 13 of 27

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Just to add that it will change in your myo2 when your next or last bill is generated
Message 14 of 27

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I'm at my upgrade time with my Business contract (taken as an individual) but will the Refresh system apply to me or is it only for normal consumer contracts as I wouldn't mind upgrading at a year or so in as I hate walking around with a dated handset for 6 months to a year at the end of my 2 year contract.


I don't want to go into buying a SIM free phone and getting a SIM contract and I want to keep my 2 year contract phone but with the option of switching earlier. If I don't get it on my Business contract, I might cancel and switch to a consumer deal.

Message 15 of 27

Level 94: Supreme
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Refresh is for consumer contracts only but you can do 12 month business lease rather than 2 years.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 16 of 27

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You would need to speak to O2 Customer Services. 202 for Contract. 4445 for PAYG. 8002 for Business. to ask about switching / taking out a refresh tariff and keeping your number.
Message 17 of 27

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As @MI5  said...not available for business but this is info re O2 lease products

You can't get O2 Refresh for business but our O2 Lease product has been designed specifically with business customers in mind. To discuss any other business products call 0800 028 0202 or visit O2 Lease for more information.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 18 of 27

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I had spoken to a member of staff in an O2 store a while back and they had pretty much told me that Refresh was available to business customers but I wasn't 100% confident that was correct as I couldn't see any mention of it on the business part of O2's website.


It is a bit offputting as I wanted the option. I'm really not sure whether to ditch O2, just get it anyway with a decent enough phone or to switch to a consumer phone.


I was planning an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus.



Message 19 of 27

Not applicable
Alarming the O2 shop staff advised you of that.

At the end of the day it's up to you.

Check out the refresh tariff and different deals you can choose from.

If you ditch O2 then please check the other networks out via Payg SIM cards and you can retain your number via a pac code.
Message 20 of 27