Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Device plan - paid off to upgrade but DD came out too

Hi all,Just paid off the last two months of my iPhone 8 device plan (£36) the day before my bill direct debit (£18) went out.. so I believe I've now paid 3 months when only 2 were due.. is this likely to be noticed and amended on my next bill or will...

Resolved! Dual SIM, both O2, on same account and App - possible?

I have a dual SIM S10. I have a PayM contract for my main calls. I also have a PAYG on a separate number for backup and other reasons. I have had to use a different email address for the two SIMs / accounts / O2 App. Is it possible to run two SIMs an...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Upgrade and sim not going live

Hi. I upgraded on Saturday. O2 to O2.I received my new phone on Monday, keeping my existing number, and am receiving calls but can’t make calls or send text messages.I can still do this on my old phone but some things work and some don’t on my new ph...

Julie13 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Transferring old mobile number to another sim card

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help. Just recently my partners' mobile phone stopped powering up. He is a O2 Pay Monthly Sim Only customer. He took his sim card out and put it in my mobile (O2 phone). His sim card refused to work. I can't remember ...

Resolved! New sim

Hi,My old phone got damaged with water, I sent it off for repair and was sent a new phone to replace it. Unfortunately I didn't know I had to remove my old SIM so I was sent a new one. I was told that I just need to do a SIM swap when it arrives but ...

RhAR by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! average monthly usage

where can i see my average usage of minutes, texts and data used over the past 6 months?

Gary26 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! new customer, phone not delivered

Hi,I placed an order 2 days ago for a new phone and contract, and paid for next day delivery.I recieved an email immediately saying my order had been placed "full steam ahead" but haven't heard nything at all since.I currently don't have a phone as m...

rubyroo by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Order x2 by mistake

I’ve accidentally applied for 2 monthly contracts for the 4g huawei pocket hotspot, thinking the original didn’t go through. Now I have 2 on the way for next day delivery. How can I cancel one of the contracts and return the device before being charg...

Resolved! will i be charged full for a replacement if my phone cant be repaired

hi i've just sent my phone in for a repair and was told at the shop it will proberly be a replacment handset as curved screens are to expencive to repair i spoke to two poeople one said i would need to pay the full amount for the replacment over £100...

ryan1992 by Level 1: Joiner
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