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Reporting of signal Mast issues, poor reception - maybe even reports back from O2

Level 5: Ponderer
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Well, this may get a good response or simply fall on deaf ears at O2 but worth a hsot in the dark.


Something that was mentioned in an email I sent to a certain forum user on here a short while ago regarding ideas/suggestions for our forum got me thinking....... :think_smiley_50:


The one thing that all the forum members seem to have incommon when it comes to problems is with reception and the lack of any good related information from O2 themselves. Mine was and always will be the masts in my area and the type of maintanance O2 keeps on telling me is happening/has happened in my area on any of the masts including a small halfmast.


There is never any update, no news or info regarding what has been done or if there is an imporovement regarding signal anywhere from O2. The same area coverage maps that I saw 24months ago, are the same ones that are on the O2 site right now, so does that mean no work has been carried out, no upgrades to masts in htose 24 months???? :happy-smiley58:


I think O2 needs to make the customer, especially those in rural locations where signal reception is a must and yet we get regularly no signal to 1 bar maybe 2 bar at best, feel that they are being looked after as much as customers in the towns. Putting up on these forums what type of maintance has just been done on the masts, what mprovements have been achieved would be a huge major step forwards.


It doesn't have to be 'war & peace' type of updates but to see what has been done etc would be brilliant. I also know that there are hundreds of masts around the UK but not everyone is being worked on at the same time neither so updating would/could be done.


It'll also show how O2 are working on the so-called 4G rollout and how O2 are doing regarding 3G/2G in rural locations and they endevour to improve those areas as well.


I know this'll never happen even in the most simplictic of forms but worth trying surely :Crazy_smiley:


People on here know me and I say it how I see it and come up with the most impossible ideas but ones that would be superb for the customer and our forum users.


What do you think guys and girls?

Tu Go = v2.5.0.431 permanently Turned OFF
128gb iPhone 6+ Slate Grey on O2 Network
No signal or 1bar 2G reception in rural location with O2
Message 1 of 10

Level 94: Supreme
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Great idea slight_smile
But I fear it will never happen 😞
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Message 2 of 10

Level 94: Supreme
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Great idea. All we get at the moment is 'work is being done on a mast in your area'. It would be good to see, say, we have upgraded 3G or installed 4G. The information we see is insufficient and we then see that further work will be done on a certain date....why? Was it not fixed first time or is there further upgrading?

Message 3 of 10

Not applicable

In theory this sounds like an excellent idea....being able to see the history of each mast via an engineer note.

Message 4 of 10

Not applicable
Good ideas.

Possibly @Toby @Anonymous could pass this up the chain. 😄
Message 5 of 10

Level 5: Ponderer
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Well, for me, I have a halfmast whatever that is as I still havent been properly told why, what it is and if it'll be upgraded and grown into a full mast. This is part of the problem in our area of just being able to get a 2G signal Confused


My signal is shocking where I live in the rural location and yet I stayed a further 12 months with O2 as around the south of the UK that I travel for my job it seems better then the other networks so I stayed with 'devil you know' Evil


All I ever seen on hte masts, is possible maintance, nothing reporting what has been done and agreed, more dates of more updates which makes me wonder if they are doing anything at all.


It doesnt take much to post update reports on forums if O2 cares about customer feedback and support especially on the main par tof a mobile network which is the masts/signal reception and any work being carried out.


We will see but I am not holding my breath ...... Horrified

Tu Go = v2.5.0.431 permanently Turned OFF
128gb iPhone 6+ Slate Grey on O2 Network
No signal or 1bar 2G reception in rural location with O2
Message 6 of 10

Level 86: Prestigious
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You're whistling in the wind. Your suggestions are good, but they'll never happen.


Message 7 of 10

Level 32: Blockbuster         
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It's doubtful that O2 actually do the work so why not make it a requirement of the sub-contractors' contracts that they must update the information on a dedicated webpage within 2 days of completion of work

"My life is a facsimile of a sham"
Message 8 of 10

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Hi Mark,

Some very interesting ideas/views here and I shall certainly pass them along.

I invite anyone else who has thoughts on this to post too. The more we have, the more insights from you guys I can share internally slight_smile
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Message 9 of 10

Level 5: Ponderer
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Cheers Toby,


Just today, Ive had another 'Our network is working fine. We've been working on masts in this area in the past 24hours. Sorry if you coundlnt use your phone' message via the O2 network app.


This is now about 4th network mast update in the past 5 or 6 weeks but the reception is still 'No Service' or 1 bar that fluctuates by the minute.


If people knew what work was being done or attempted to be done to improve reception on those mast then people would see that O2 was 'trying' to improve things in rural and town areas.


It is just the unknown and not knowing that frustrates O2 customers like myself Confused


Tu Go = v2.5.0.431 permanently Turned OFF
128gb iPhone 6+ Slate Grey on O2 Network
No signal or 1bar 2G reception in rural location with O2
Message 10 of 10