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Renewal/Refresh queries and questions

Not applicable

Hi, I am new to the forum and only just introduced myself. I have 2 pay monthly contracts with O2. One for my daughter (blackberry, this was a 12 month contract) and one for myself (Sony Xperia this was a 2yr contract). I have got a Loyalty Discount on one of these, of £13 a month - I was informed this was because I had been with O2 for a number of years. Both contracts are up for renewal, My daughters runs out the 31st Oct and mine on the 28th Oct.

My daughter would have liked a same model of blackberry or a newer model, however with the tariffs being more expensive that previous years, she has settled for a lower grade phone, and today I have collected the purple blackberry for her, along with the new SIMMs. This was ordered online.

I now wish to know if

A) do I need to cancel the old contract even tho it expires on the 30th Oct? as in my account section it states the next bill is due in Nov? and that I now have 3 accounts on there. ( her old and new account, along with mine)..


B)Can you help with the following?

the other query I have, is that when I have spoken to the online chat representatives, I was advised that the Loyalty Discount would be transferred over to the new contract, but not just that, the advisor also told me that this was also going to be put onto my own new account if I renewed,(so both on my daughters and mine, which had my daughter and i chose the handsets we wanted with this in mind) but then when I was transferred through to the sale team to place the actual order for the phones, I was advised that this was not the case, and that I would not be having any Loyalty Discounts at all. The advisor apologised for the advise given to me by the first advisor, and as he told me I wasn't having any loyalty discount, and that he could not proceed on that promise. At this time, I was also looking to order my own renewed contract at the same time, and go for the new Sony Z1, so I didn't renew there and then, and thought to shop around, however I was upset that O2 did keep their promises made to me by the representative (I have transcript emailed to myself) as for the first time O2 was not even trying to retain me as a customer, even when I advised that I had found that carphone warehouse would be able to provide the SonyZ1 for £32 a month and they also threw in  gifts - Sony speakers, and with each mobile ordered came another blue tooth headset gift, so saving £5 a month and providing me with some pretty nice goodies.


I advised that I would stay with O2 - if they would be able to keep the loyalty discount on my new account, and that I would remain with O2, but this was refused. Customer retention is not at the top of O2's agenda this year.

despite all this, I have been with O2 for so many years, that I remain loyal, and still ordered my daughters blackberry and renewed contract, and also my own, for what I thought was the Sony Z1 - as I followed the links on the first page on the website, it then went straight to the phone, and offered it in purple - I chose the purple one (as I love purple) but then went I went to collect this from the O2 shop, saw in the shop that the purple model is not the Z1 but a SonyZ, and that this does not have the features of the Z1 - ( I was extremely interested in the info gathering feature when photo's of objects are taken - like statues) and the Sonyz didn't have these, although the tariff is exactly the same (the order I placed with O2 came to 37 a month which is the same for the Z1)- I felt a bit cheated. I told the person at the store ( Mathew) that I wanted the Z1, and that the website had me confused and I ordered the wrong phone - and he advised he would return the phone. (I never even held the box it was in). I asked for a receipt to show I had not collected this - and was advised he could not print anything of for me - but showed me on his screen that he had put it in returned status. I asked if he could provide me with the Z1 - as its the same order,only a different handset, but he advised he couldn't as I ordered online/ he told me that they had them in stock there n then, but as I ordered online, the other headset had to be returned first. I asked about this, as I was not returning it, and the shop is, as I had never received it - wouldn't this show on their system? and he advised me it would and showed me - I saw Returned on the status, and also saw that the shop had received it before that. - how can I return something I Havant had? He assured me they were liable for the handset, and showed me the screen that this was being returned after received, and being sent back, and that if anything should happen to the handset now - they were completely liable, I wasn't.. He told me to go online to O2chat, and that they would be able to see the item arrived there and is being sent back by them, and that they would be able to then approve the Z1. I did this, but the online agent advised they could not approve me having the Z1, until the other handset was received by them, and I needed to return the handset. I advised I had never received the handset, and that the O2 shop had it still, and were returning it. The representative advised me this could take upto 5 days. I ordered it on the 15th, and this may now go beyond the 7 day cancellation period. I wished to cancel the order, but they couldn't do that either until they received the phone back from me - even tho I have never received the phone, it arrived at the  O2 shop, stayed there, and is being returned by the O2 shop!. I'm going on holiday on Saturday and wont have access to much network ( N Ireland) yet am told that I need to be able to log onto the o2 chat, to cancel the order for the phone I didn't want ( thought was a Z1) and that then I'd be able to open a new contract. The representative told me that just because the handset had been returned, that even when received by them, this would not cancel the contract, as they would require my approval - I advised I gave my approval now - but that was not able to be done until the handset is back with O2 - even tho it never left O2!!! So not only do I now feel cheated by the website - as it looked like the purple was a Z1 by the links I followed, I now may not be able to cancel a contract due to Internet access, haven't got the handset I wished for in Ireland, lost my loyalty discount, and may be stuck with a contract I was unable to cancel within the cooling period because of all this 😞  I feel quite upset, as it seems I am being held responsible for something I was advised in the shop I am not responsible for - the return of the handset I never even touched - and this was not the handset I thought it was - they refused to cancel the order as they have not received it back from me? and I am unable to cancel it - so without phone whilst on holiday and without the features I wished to use ( giants causeway 😞 ) and now I feel really quite upset with the whole thing. My daughters Phone is costing me £22 a month, mine will be £37 a month, my daughter hasn't got the phone she would have liked however she seems happy with the lower grade model, and I don't have a phone at all, and am unable to cancel this contract as I wont have access to Internet from Saturday to the 26th Oct. The new contracts cost me from what I am paying now roughly £44 a month to £59 a month, and I have stayed loyal - however do not feel any loyalty from O2 - and however stupid it may sound - it has deeply upset me as I felt valued before but don't at all now. I just do not understand why they could not have just given me the handset I thought I chose online at the shop, as they had the other handset there and are returning it, is there no trust between the O2 shop and the Depot? even tho they advised me they were completely Liable for its return?  and they showed me on their system, and advised if anything happened to it they were completely liable for it as I didn't receive it, however, they couldn't give me the handset they had in stock there n then, and neither could I cancel the contract online, so that I could go back to the shop and open one there at least then I could have had the handset - and this feels like I'm being held responsible for something I am assured I'm not responsible for - and I have no control over. All I would have liked is to have the handset in time - and would presume that the online staff would have seen the returned phone on their system,  but now this contract wont be able to be cancelled in time for me to have the option to get a new one either, even if I wanted to.  it makes me feel like returning the blackberry too, and just taking both contracts to another provider all together and accept the free gifts with it.. Unhappy and upset customer - O2 for the first time in around 10 years you have let me down, and I have lost my assurance and confidence, so if anything can be done, please help me stay.

Message 1 of 23

Not applicable

Hi Thank you very much for taking the time to read the assay. I have had the phone call to O2 twice and a case raised both times, with promises of resolution, but these were never followed up and when i called back, i had to start fromt he beginning again, and after doing that twice and being on the phone for a long time, it is the last thing i want to go through again. I work in IT on the phones from 8 to 4:30 everyday resolving incidents and working in a customer environment, and to come home and spemd another long time on the phone, and nothing was ever followed up in writing either.

Luckily i have kept the majority of the chats and have a record of phone calls i have made. The shop Guru and the Shop manager in my local O2 shop have also looked into it, and came to confusing looks as the contract i was supposedly on was not anything they had ever seen before, and should not be the way it is and changed things again. I havent had the time to go back into the store as again, i finish work at 4:30 andby the time i leave the office and im on my way home, the O2 shop is closing, and at weekends is is absurdly busy. The actual handset load agreement statement, clearly shows i have nothing outstanding, and it has been pending closure for over a year and a half. The shop seem to be of the opinion it all went wrong right form the very start, when an upgrade was nto put through as one, but put through as a refresh but as a brand new contract, when that year i was advised i was a loyal customer and at that time had 3 contract out with O2, and O2 had given me a loyalty discount on my own account for the year, after they rang me. It is just sad that form then it has all gone down hill. I can honestly say that the staff at O2 have told me NOT to call after hours, as it will just confuse things for the UK staff, and promised to take ownership and get things resoved ( which is what i do at work with calls like this, get stuck in to the bare bones and see where n what needs doing. to get it resolved and keep the customer happy and us proud in providing a good service. I would be very interested to see what the base case they raised for shows, but in the mean time will go through the complaints department, and include the screenshots and all the chats and names of people i have spoken to over this time, but to be honest, i feel like it will get me nowhere, and all this effort will be for nothing, unless i find some one willing to be provided with the time to come up with a solution, or alernative that would benefit me for remaining with O2, for if this is not resolved by September, im afraid i will be trying a new supplier. Maybe by then BT will be doing their mobile services and will all tie in with  my other household utilities, but stupid as it sounds, that makes me sad, cos i like O2, and until 2013, ive enjoyed a brilliant service and liked all the different little things that go with O2.


If you would have the time, i would be happy to send you the information i have accumulated to your secure mailbox?


best Regards






Message 21 of 23

Not applicable

Believe me when i say this @Anonymous I wish I could just take your mobile number and sort it out myself! But unfortunately I post here on a private capacity and I'm not allowed to take any account related information and use it...Smiley Frustrated The only thing i can do is guide you in the right direction.

The reason why I mentioned a 202 manager was so that this would not be left again. Once a manager picks it up they have to follow it up and resolve the issue. Also High level complaints or complaint review service will not just leave it.

You work in IT so you will understand when I say if we are lucky and try to amend your upgrade date the system may just drop the order stuck as it will not be compatible anymore but if worse comes to worse then IT will just have to sort it out. It will have to be done step by step but they can resolve this.

Not an excuse in anyway, but I have to say I've never seen it before....Astounded

Message 22 of 23

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Fantastic advice here @Anonymous 


Hi @Anonymous , sorry to hear about this, let us know how you get on with customer service and I'll do what I can if you're not successful. I'm Toby, the community coordinator slight_smile

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Message 23 of 23