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As per the online conversation below, all I wanted to do it cancel a number I no longer needed, and had been very satisfied with the service on O2 after migrating from Orange.


But 24hrs later I recieve an email thanking me for my order, so I call up and lo and behold 'Vicki' has upgraded my contract to the £150 cashback £5.99 tariff anyway! The customer service advisor apologised and said it would be disconnected at 0800 the next morning.


I go on holiday and when I get home check my emails, oh and look another email from o2 thanking me for choosing to stay with them and upgrading to the £11.99 tariff as the disonnection had been cancelled again!!!

I spoke with a helpful advisor who again apologised and bless, kept his word by emailing a disconnection confirmation on the account within 24 hours of our call.


O2, I am utterly appalled and disgusted by your actions, your company protects those who blatently committs a crime on a customers account and does nothing unless I chase it up.


What also makes me laugh is when I copied and pasted a post on here onto a few  relevant pages (as didn't see the point of re-typing) I was emailed about 'spamming' and had them removed. My daughter worked for you and left as she was appalled by the lies, fraud, appalling service and mis-selling that she came across by some, not all people just to hit their targets.

I am contacting the financial ombudsmen and Citizens advice, plus whoever else I can to highlight this utter disgrace you call a service.


I doubt 'Vicki' even cares or will be addressed for committing fraud and will carry on so her targets and others are met.


I'm just waiting now for an automated reply regards this post and nothing else to be done.


O2 chat.png

Message 1 of 30

Level 69: Guiding Light
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Nothing like getting the libel out of the way first is there? Smiley Indifferent


If an O2 employee has made a change to your account without approval I'm sure they will be in trouble.


You cannot take the complaint to anyone outside O2 until 8 weeks after you have made a formal complaint to O2 and you can do that here:,Kb=Companion,question=ref%28User%29:str%28Mob...



To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 2 of 30

Not applicable

Hi MargaretH, really sorry to hear of your bad experience. I've sent you a pm, looking forward to hear back from you.

Message 3 of 30

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It's fact, not libel (seeing as a store manager and 3 advisors were dismissed from a store for being guilty of committing fraud and mis-selling products to boost their bonus) and 'Vicki' clearly new I wanted to cancel NOT upgrade. 

Message 4 of 30

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But appreciate the compliants link, thank you.

Message 5 of 30

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Not disbelieving you but the way you are posting it here is potentially libellous.


If you were sure and had received a response from O2 you wouldn't be posting this here.


If you intend taking this further I would decline from writing anything else until you can post a decision on this.


Or get a lawyer.......


Chiara has offered you help with this, I would take advantage and let us know the outcome later.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 6 of 30

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I appreciate your advice, but having spoken with them and they admitting this on the phone and having the typed conversation stating a disconnection then a fraudulent upgrade I think they know they made a mistake. As for the other details I mentioned, this will all be in the staff records etc. But only mentioned them as a way to get attention as everytime I call, they see what has happened and nothing gets done. I'm just angry I suppose that it feels so difficult to get something so simple done.

Message 7 of 30

Not applicable

First error: using Live Chat for something more complicated than a simple account query.

Second error: believing that the person on Live Chat's name is actually Vicki


This isn't fraud, at worst its been a mistake by a poorly trained service advisor on live chat who is working in a foreign country and reading/typing from a script. Fraud is intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. It doesnt appear as though there has been anything intentional dont to your account. You also recieved emails to tell you that your account has been changed so there was no deception.


I doubt Live Chat advisors have financial targets to meet and so Vicki had nothing to gain by changing your contract. As already mentioned, its probably poor training and a poor understanding of English.


All you have suffered is poor customer service as no money has been taken from your account and your number has eventually been cancelled as requested.


As mentioned above, if you feel that strongly about it, make a complaint to O2 but I'm not sure what you want the outcome to be since your account has now been closed. They can't compensate you for anything as you didnt suffer any financial loss...

Message 8 of 30

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@MargaretH wrote:

I appreciate your advice, but having spoken with them and they admitting this on the phone and having the typed conversation stating a disconnection then a fraudulent upgrade I think they know they made a mistake.

Exactly there has been a mistake/error by the CSA concerned but there has been no illegality or attempted fraud here and you should not repeat that.


Have you made a formal complaint using the link I posted above?


Contact Chiara and let her help you and stop posting here to protect your position, as anything you write here that is wrong won't help you.

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 9 of 30

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Every correspondence had been recorded and the fact that 'Vicki' tried to sell me a product twice then AGREED the disconnection was the first issue, then I recieved an email CONFIRMING an upgrade that was NOT agreed to. After calling another CSA he ADMITTED there was a problem and said this would be cancelled (again) the next morning. AGAIN this disconnection was NOT put through and I had to chase it up otherwise the taking of monies from my bank account of which I did not agree to (and have written proof) would have continued.

Message 10 of 30