on 18-11-2012 14:31
on 18-11-2012 14:31
on 18-11-2012 14:35
on 18-11-2012 14:35
some 0845 are free for pay monthly customers http://www.o2.co.uk/support/generalhelp/howdoi/freenumbers
And a lot of dwp 0800 etc
on 18-11-2012 14:38
on 18-11-2012 14:38
on 18-11-2012 14:46
on 18-11-2012 14:46
If I have to phone about my disability benefit I have to make a trip down to the local job centre plus. At least they let you use the phone free to ring the benefit people.
I agree, most utility , banks and government offices use these numbers and although SAYNOTO0870 works for some, it's a pain. I would happily pay a bolt on for these numbers.
on 18-11-2012 14:51
on 18-11-2012 14:51
on 18-11-2012 14:53
on 18-11-2012 14:53
And Ofcom introduced the 03 range to replace all these rip off numbers.
I would write to your mp asking that the dwp move all to 03 number range as this is in your included mins.
on 18-11-2012 14:55
on 18-11-2012 14:55
on 19-11-2012 10:54
ok 0845 are great that what we need on o2 add on
i agree with few people about o2 bring out 0845 bolt on that what o2 need and i hear by ofcom there working on getting free 0800 number for mobile network
on 19-11-2012 10:56
on 19-11-2012 10:56
and free 0800 calls on GG too
@macblank wrote:
this is also why I may look st gg next yr. at least GG only charge. 12p a min for the same calls.
20 mins o2 is £7
20 mins gg is £2.40
that's a huge difference
on 19-11-2012 11:39
on 19-11-2012 11:39
There are free 0800 and 0870 apps for both Android and Apple devices but you shouldn't have to resort to these.