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o2 iphone insurance

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hi there 1st post here so lets go

went off on holiday over a month ago came back reported my iphone volume switch has came out (iphone 3g 8gig) over 12 months old
got the insurace £10 a month

o2 insurace accepeted the claim , but they dont have any phones in stock

this has now been going on for 2 weeks , and got a snoty letter back off them this morning saying tough we dont know when we are gettiing them in stock ya just have to wait (words to that effect)

not happy in the least

i asked for the new 3gs , they said no straight away

i pay all my bills ontime (DD) so thay cant throw that back in my face

any help guys nd no i`m not bothering with the ombudsman (waste of time)
Message 1 of 494
493 REPLIES 493

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sent u a message clifford
Message 51 of 494

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I am so pleased to find this thread. I am utterly bemused by O2's stance on this. for me, it's now nearly three weeks since I made a claim and have not had a replacement. The last time I called, the operator mentioned that I might be able to get a reconditioned handset. The point is this - we pay our insurance and therefore we are entitled to a replacement handset. And if that is not possible, it must be pure and simple customer servicing to offer a near / equivalent replacement. Or in my case, anything at all. I am horrified by the way O2 have dealt with my and others in this instance.

I believe they are stalling us ALL in order to at some point get us to upgrade.

This is NOT acceptable and should be reported. By now O2 must realise they have problem and they are ignoring it; hoping we will go away when the new iPhone 4 comes out. Or at least that's what it seems like.

So go on O2 moderators. Put your O2's on the line and tell us what you are going to do about this please. We are waiting with increasing impatience.
Message 52 of 494

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they did offer a replacement a recon 1 (a 2nd hand phone) which was not in my T&C when i took the contract out
thats why i`m refusing to accept the recon phone and was told i would get a brand new phone when they get them in stock
Message 53 of 494

Not applicable
Guess what - I'll put money on them never having them in stock. They have not responded to my queries put to the O2 Complaints Review Service - so I'll give them until Monday and will write directly to the Chief Executive. I want to know why one of the UK's major telecommunications providers has 'run out of stock' or is unable to source replacement handsets, what compensation I will receive for loss of service under contract and compensation for my having to buy a temporary replacement handset. I do hope O2 read these posts, as I will make it my mission in life to make sure everyone knows about this issue from the BBC to the regulators until I receive a replacement iPhone of whatever type.
Message 54 of 494

Not applicable
they will offer u a replacement phone
but it will be 2nd hand aka a recon phone

and thats where i think the recycling scheme comes into it
o2 wont just keep paying out £000s out for nothing , i think they then pass them on to us mugs that took out insurance
Message 55 of 494

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Yes - that's what they said to me. Equally, they stated they were waiting for new replacement 'phones. So they are misleading consumers and potentially in breach of contract in the provision of the insurance. Either way, why don't they simply replace the handset with a 3GS?
Message 56 of 494

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thats my point exactly i even have it in writing that they were waiting for "NEW PHONES" from apple
not recon they said from the second the claim went in i would be getting a new phone , and now they have moved the goal posts because they cant get new stock
Message 57 of 494

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To crown it all off, I am now being spammed with promotional emails for the next gen iPhone from O2.
Message 58 of 494

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have you not noticed

not 1 reply from any1 from o2 reply to any posts on here
Message 59 of 494

Not applicable
have you not noticed
not 1 reply from any1 from o2 reply to any posts on here

O2 don't monitor or reply to these forums in any official way apart from a few guys on the broadband section. It's a customer to customer forum.
Message 60 of 494