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o2 iphone insurance

Not applicable
hi there 1st post here so lets go

went off on holiday over a month ago came back reported my iphone volume switch has came out (iphone 3g 8gig) over 12 months old
got the insurace £10 a month

o2 insurace accepeted the claim , but they dont have any phones in stock

this has now been going on for 2 weeks , and got a snoty letter back off them this morning saying tough we dont know when we are gettiing them in stock ya just have to wait (words to that effect)

not happy in the least

i asked for the new 3gs , they said no straight away

i pay all my bills ontime (DD) so thay cant throw that back in my face

any help guys nd no i`m not bothering with the ombudsman (waste of time)
Message 1 of 494
493 REPLIES 493

Not applicable
you can complain on customer care.
Message 491 of 494

Not applicable
you can complain on customer care.

Yes I did. But based on the previous people's post, I don't put too much hope there.
Message 492 of 494

Not applicable
First of all thanks for all the great advice in the thread.
I am in the position of being charged £150 excess for a refurbished iPhone 3GS because I was still on the same policy I took out in December 2008. Just so I have a bit of ammo once the complaints people at O2 get back to me, would someone be so kind as to PM me the original O2 Insure Premier Policy doc?
Message 493 of 494

Not applicable
First of all thanks for all the great advice in the thread.
I am in the position of being charged £150 excess for a refurbished iPhone 3GS because I was still on the same policy I took out in December 2008. Just so I have a bit of ammo once the complaints people at O2 get back to me, would someone be so kind as to PM me the original O2 Insure Premier Policy doc?

I don't know what sort of ammo you're hoping for. O2 sent out letters and texts to customers who'd upgraded to an iPhone but still had an older version of the premier insurance, I was one of them and cancelled it when I got my text.
Message 494 of 494