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o2 iphone insurance

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hi there 1st post here so lets go

went off on holiday over a month ago came back reported my iphone volume switch has came out (iphone 3g 8gig) over 12 months old
got the insurace £10 a month

o2 insurace accepeted the claim , but they dont have any phones in stock

this has now been going on for 2 weeks , and got a snoty letter back off them this morning saying tough we dont know when we are gettiing them in stock ya just have to wait (words to that effect)

not happy in the least

i asked for the new 3gs , they said no straight away

i pay all my bills ontime (DD) so thay cant throw that back in my face

any help guys nd no i`m not bothering with the ombudsman (waste of time)
Message 1 of 494
493 REPLIES 493

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ive just been to my local o2 shop and asked about the insurance , the lad in the shop said the T&C have just changed about 3 months ago so that a recon can be sent out
it was a very well spoken convo , i did say ive had the insurance for 13 months now, and that there was nothing informing me of the T&C had changed no email no letter phone calls etc
he did say you have a point there that could be argued , and wished me good luck (lol)

at the end of the day when the claim was 1st lodged and accepted i was informed i would be getting a brand new phone , now they have moved the goal posts
Message 41 of 494

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I haven't received anything, and looking through the Terms and Conditions on the site it says the same thing. They have to inform you of changes to the terms and conditions before they can enact it. I'd stamp your feet mate, and refuse that. Their key terms and terms and conditions don't state it. Go and download the pdfs now before they change.
Message 42 of 494

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ust phone them up again (grrrrrr)
they have said there is nothing more we can do over the phone , i did say you did offer me a brand new phone when the claims was 1st lodged he is denied it (i hope its been recorded) also that i wasnt informed of any change in T&C he said well thats not my problem

he said you really are wasting your time calling now as thats out final answer over the phone now and informed me to write in

so will be writing a letter in recorded deliverery informing them everything thats went on from day 1 from 4 weeks ago now

so looks like everyone is getting recon phones with o2 insurance and not new 1 as what you might be thinking,

£10 a month for a recon phone , you must be kidding , going to call o2 up now and cancel the insurance as the claim has already been lodged and lower my tarriff down and also informing them i will be leaving end of contract
Message 43 of 494

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on hold to customer services now about droping my tarriff nd insurance , somthing is happening i think , she off to speak to someone higher up

will update asap
Message 44 of 494

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i really cant believe what i am hearing

customer services have said ahh we have a recon phone in i will send it straight out , i just looked at my phone and said am i talking in another language

she said its a phone thats been sent back coz the customer said they didnt want it etc etc , i said no are u not listerning o2 insurace said i would be getting a brand new phone when the claim was 1st lodged and that there was no t&c changes sent to me

anyway thats the insurance cancelled and lowered down to £30 a month from £35 tariff
Message 45 of 494

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btw she even offered me the iphone 4 upgrade for 20 quid a month to buy out the contract
i just thought is this a way to get out of the claim lol
Message 46 of 494

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formal complaint has now been lodged with the financial ombudsman

btw i did get a letter from o2 insurance stating they are waiting for phones from apple which tells me they were going to send me a new phone

also been told not to call them (o2 insurance) anymore as an official complaint has been lodged and the ombudsman will now be wanting to be the negotiator and see all the offical replys

will keep u lot updated when im allowed to as this could go quiet from me for sometime
Message 47 of 494

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hi how can you get hold of the ombudsman or bbc as i would love to tell them all what going on 1 man from 02 left me on hold for 45minits ween thy was closeing at 9pm and i rang them at 8:40pm he said hold on il upgrade you for free as i had been waiting 2 weeks for my new phone an me thinking all is good now stayed on hold hopeing for the best what a idot a was lol

oh does your clam still stand if i canceled the insurance now as i have lowered my tariff and doing same next month

Message 48 of 494

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hi clifford

if u do google for financial ombudsman u will see it straight away
and yes you can lower your tariff and cancel your insurace aslong as the claim has been lodged before you cancel and inform o2 of this that you have a claim on going , the tariff has nothing to do with the insurance claim

as i`ve said i cant say anything else about my claim now as its out of my hands

but good luck on yours and everyone elses pls feel free to add your stories on here
i will post mine up when the time comes win or lose
Message 49 of 494

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thanks richierich

i will be ringing them give it one more shot lol wont do no good and then im loging it with the ombudsman 1st thing
Message 50 of 494