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nokia n900?

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does anyone know if o2 will be offering the nokia n900 when it`s released?
Message 1 of 78

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I've been with o2 for 8 years, but i want this phone. so if o2 aren't offering it i will be leaving them and going to voda or t-mobile to get the phone, phones mor important that the provider for me.

get your finger out o2 !
Message 11 of 78

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I will also be leaving to get the N900 if o2 fail to get it on board. The Palm Pre is no match as its hardware is total rubbish and likely wont last the length of a contrat.
Message 12 of 78

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how can you comment like that? have you tried and tested both handsets to say the palm pre handset's hardware is rubbish?

also the warranty you get with any handset is for the length of the contract unless its the iphone. so therefore if you ended up getting the palm pre on a 18 month contract, the warranty would cover it for that duration.
Message 13 of 78

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Sorry guys but o2 are not getting the N900. Ive spoken to several o2 personnel and it seems pretty set in concrete. IT has skype on it so i think that may be one of the main reasons.
Anyway as much as the phone is brilliant for spec, as a phone its limited to its use in portrait mode and i believe its a pain to use for phone calls and texting.
Maemo 6 not far around the corner which fully supports capacitive screens and portrait mode.
Message 14 of 78

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I have heard a rumour that o2 are getting the n900 also most intresting of all the n97 mini?

I say intresting, as this is only out in Asia as a specail edtion.

They have started to roll out a lot of top handsets i.e. HTC hd2, the samsung galaxy, the pre, the satio, even the LG BL40.
Think we will see the tide turning back in o2's favour, however only if they bring their tariffs in line with the other big 3 networks
Message 15 of 78

Not applicable
how can you comment like that? have you tried and tested both handsets to say the palm pre handset's hardware is rubbish?
also the warranty you get with any handset is for the length of the contract unless its the iphone. so therefore if you ended up getting the palm pre on a 18 month contract, the warranty would cover it for that duration.

The palm pre, I have played with, software better than iPhone OS well maybe not swings and round abouts.
It's a really good phone, iPhone is better.
The keybored is they niggly on it, and the warranty is 24 months in or out of contract. It is delt from palm it's self
Message 16 of 78

Not applicable
how can you comment like that? have you tried and tested both handsets to say the palm pre handset's hardware is rubbish?
also the warranty you get with any handset is for the length of the contract unless its the iphone. so therefore if you ended up getting the palm pre on a 18 month contract, the warranty would cover it for that duration.

It's called 'research' LOL this phone has been out in the states for about 5 months, they mostly agree that the OS is good but lacking some basic fuctions such as MMS, video recording and a way to change the text msg sound without 'hacking' into the phone. Also no way to download off the internet ect ect.
As for the hardware, it's known to be pretty rubbish and as Palm stated that 'they will not be making any improvements to the hardware' thats how it was going to land in the UK.
And now we have lots of people in the UK saying the exact same thing. Have read other peoples thoughts on the 'bad' hardware......
Message 17 of 78

Not applicable
Sorry guys but o2 are not getting the N900. Ive spoken to several o2 personnel and it seems pretty set in concrete. IT has skype on it so i think that may be one of the main reasons.
Anyway as much as the phone is brilliant for spec, as a phone its limited to its use in portrait mode and i believe its a pain to use for phone calls and texting.
Maemo 6 not far around the corner which fully supports capacitive screens and portrait mode.

Portrait mode will be on the N900 by Xmas. You can read about it here...
Message 18 of 78

Not applicable
As a second gen iphone user (having renewed my contract twice) - my contract is up in the next month or so. The iphone 3GS in my opinion does not have enough new features to tempt me to replace it, I would only keep it for the app store.

So, the Nokia N900 wins and review/hands on pending I am planning to go to this. If O2 do not offer it, I will be moving network which is a shame as O2 have been nothing but great - but I want this phone more...

Someone else quoted this handset is too high end. It's retailing SIM free at £499 ( The iPhone SIM free goes for at lest £600 (in some cases more).

**My Plea**

Please consider this O2, or I will be moving to Vodafone...
Message 19 of 78

Not applicable
As a second gen iphone user (having renewed my contract twice) - my contract is up in the next month or so. The iphone 3GS in my opinion does not have enough new features to tempt me to replace it, I would only keep it for the app store.
So, the Nokia N900 wins and review/hands on pending I am planning to go to this. If O2 do not offer it, I will be moving network which is a shame as O2 have been nothing but great - but I want this phone more...
Someone else quoted this handset is too high end. It's retailing SIM free at £499 ( The iPhone SIM free goes for at lest £600 (in some cases more).
**My Plea**
Please consider this O2, or I will be moving to Vodafone...

I will be doing exactly the same as yourself.....

COME ON O2 !!!!!!
Message 20 of 78