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Bad signal and service

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We are using Mobiles, are'nt we, well reading between the lines, your mobile is ony to be used at home where the signal is good ... when you put a complaint in they ony want to know wether your phone works at home, not interested when you are out ..... so why have we got mobiles????????

Signal, what a laugh, its gone worse,a nd since i put the new Lollipo on my phone, things have got worse ...O2' s response to the problems "we nkow there is a problem with the new Lollipop update ..Any new updates yet .... errrrrrr no, so i have a phone what loses the call even more, signal worse, people asking why was on the phone so long as they could'nt get through, at that time my phone was left at home, which there again hit and miss with the signal , whereas before the BIG OUTAGE, my phone was great the signal A1 , Z - - - - , how far do you want me to go with this subject.

I live in North Wales where signal is really hit n' miss, if i go out the hills ( Vodaphone seem s to be ok, at times) and i have an accident, i don't think i could phone for help ...why you ask .... cos i aint got a signal is the reason why.
Back to the subject: MOBILE, can someone tell my what it means .... let me see . mobile, arhh yes i think it means we cn leave our homes and use the phone many miles away, now that is problem, how far away, i am not going to on as you all get hte gist of this .... don't you???

I don't seem to be the only fool with O2, being taken in with their deals ... Well i was'nt exactly taken in, loyalty was my down fall, been with them for 7 years now, and after the BIG OUTAGE they had a few years ago, that's when the problems started ...Yes people you will get the script writtem answer "the signal is good in your area" ... you know it's and o know it's not, but we have to & ;suffer with it because we can't do anything about it ... we an moan about it to them, but in reality do they care...errrr NO THEY DON'T.

Now Good Deals , where in god's name have you seen a good deal on O2's site, come for the phone you want and the package , at least £40+ for a real good package, and thats for a lower end phone.

I could go on but in a nut shell .... O2 sucks, the management do not give a damn, so i will go into debt and get out from this contract.
Btw O2 told me they are putting their equipment on Vodaphone masts, to improve the service;where i don't know, and when, well it's supposed to be& ;happening now.....and now i've come to the point whee i dont care.. O2 service is bad and the price is going up. nuff said
Message 1 of 16

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Please mind your language.
No one wants to read profanities like that.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 16

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Change networks mate. Pay the cost, take the hit and use your phone as it's meant to be used. No one wants an expensive music player. 
Link at the foot of the page to make an official complaint. You may even get to leave without penalty. 
Message 3 of 16

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Oh...and just stop swearing....Evil Two posts full of it...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 16

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Cleoriff wrote:

Oh...and just stop swearing....Evil Two posts full of it...

No need at all......
Message 5 of 16

Level 69: Guiding Light
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I won't even bother to read stuff like this. Smiley Mad
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perksie wrote:

I won't even bother to read stuff like this. Smiley Mad

Good...I saw the asterisks and didn't bother!
Message 7 of 16

Level 19: Quirky
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I have reported this post in another thread no need for all the swearwords 😞
Mouth needs washing out with soap and water grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Message 8 of 16

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Mobile phones these days are not "nice to have", they're a "must have". And I can hardly believe that in the second decade of the 21st century we're still discussing which network gives you a good signal in which area. If I'm away for one of my "round the UK" journeys, I actually take thee phones with me - my O2 one, the one with a 3 sim in it, and another dual-sim one with EE/Voda sims inside (well, these are actually some MVNO sims piggybacking on EE/Voda but anyway...). All this is to make sure I can be in touch when I need to. Sad? Tell me about it! I do rely on mobile networks, I wish I didn't have to but I've got no choice these days, and mobile networks in their turn... well, they couldn't care less. See, they don't have to guarantee you a service, they're not obliged to, and, indeed, they don't. As long as all the basic spots (densely populated areas) are more or less covered, most of their customers will not know any better and therefore will not express any discontent. Changing the network? But what are the choices? Every network will have white spots somewhere, and there's even no way of finding out where these white spots are, as there're no reliable tools provided to find this out.
Message 9 of 16

Level 94: Supreme
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'tis true enough ^^^
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 10 of 16