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iphone 6s - O2 refresh

Not applicable

Just wondering if anybody who has used O2 refresh can walk me through this.


I have a device plan on a 6+ with £325 outstanding.  O2 refresh offers £350 for the device at present. 


So when the 6s+ becomes available for purchase at the point of sale can I simply return my existing 6+ and begin a new device plan on a new device?  As apple have frozen the prices in the states presumably the prices will be very similar in the UK.


Therefore would I be right in thinking that in 12 montsh time I will again be at an almost identical point in my contract and would be able to return the device (effectively for nothing), take a brand new device and teh contract for teh device merely keeps rolling?


I appreciate that the downside here is that you always remain in hoc to the contract but the positive is you always retain a phone in warranty, and always have an up to date "fresh" device.


Am I missing anything.


thanks chaps and chapesses and enjoy the next few weeks. 



Message 1 of 33

Level 94: Supreme
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You need to recycle your device and get the cash first if you intend to do it without any outlay from your own bank account.
When you cancel your existing refresh deal you are also required to take a new contract completely, ie you cannot carry on with your current airtime tariff. You may be able to take the same one again but it will have to be a new one.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 33

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Message 3 of 33

Not applicable

I thought the whole point of refresh was that your airtime contract existed seperately to your device contract?

Message 4 of 33

Level 94: Supreme
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Yes it does, so that you can buy off phone and just continue on airtime or buy off phone and cancel airtime without penalty, but you can't just switch phones without taking a new 24 month contract.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 5 of 33

Level 56: Guvnor
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It does but is linked to the duration of the original handset, when you pay off the handset, the only monthly fee is from Airtime, but you are free to cancel that without penalty. Or you can upgrade as the Airtime is effectively out of contract.
All upgrades or refreshes are subject to a new 24 month contract which may be ended early by paying off device plan
Message 6 of 33

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All of the above comments are the reason why the Refresh contract is so attractive to many. It gives you flexibility and freedom of choice if you have funds available to pay off the device

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Message 7 of 33

Level 56: Guvnor
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I have proper abused the refresh scheme since it arrived.
It meant as a new xperia came out, the old was only 6 month old and worth still a few hundred minimum. Enough to pay off and upgrade.
Can't do that now tho (checks device plan) nope not for a while yet lmao
Message 8 of 33

Not applicable

so lets say I walk into an o2 shop and put my 6+ on the counter and say i'll recycle that and I want a new 6s+


Firstly, I presume the recycle credit takes a few days to come through, is that right?


As such I'd then have to pay off the balance of the handset (in my case £325, and await the £350 from o2 recycle in a few days time).


As regards a new airtime contract presumably my present deal simply then falls away?  i have to take a new iphone 6s+ airtime tarriff, is that right?


o2 kindly upped my data allowance at no cost recently so presumably there would be no way I could hang on to that perk if I wanted to refresh?



Message 9 of 33

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Thats exactly what happens, thats what i did when i went from 4S to 5S

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Message 10 of 33