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Sim Swap not succeed after 24 hrs

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I tried to swap to a micro sim card yesterday afternoon 4pm. My old sim card died later last night. But my new sim card is still not working yet. My number has not been recognized for over 12 hrs. Is this due to the net work problem? Has any body else is experiencing  the same problem?

Message 1 of 139
138 REPLIES 138

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Still nothing at my end, made a post on the main page, then read everyone in here is having the same issue.


Sim swap on Friday, about 11am, old sim went off at midnight, briefly had service yesterday for a few hours, but no data or 3G, tried to call O2 and my phone went back to no service. Came on again last night at about 7pm until this morning, again with no data. I tried to call O2 again and it went back to No Service. Spoke to them and got the same as above "sorry, wait another 24 hours"


My head is done in and i'm pretty sure constantly restarting an iPhone is not going to be good for it in the long run!

Message 101 of 139

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I've finally got my full service back, i had to remove the sim card give it a cheeky swipe and put it back in for me to finally be bale to receive texts. I was wondering will my texts show up that got sent to my number over the weekend period my number was being switched?

Message 102 of 139

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@Anonymous wrote:

I've finally got my full service back, i had to remove the sim card give it a cheeky swipe and put it back in for me to finally be bale to receive texts. I was wondering will my texts show up that got sent to my number over the weekend period my number was being switched?

Normally you would get all the texts that are still within the validity period as the networks still try to deliver within that period.


Message 103 of 139

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Lucky person,  been without service since saturday, switched up to iphone 5, and had to change to nano sim.


Been waiting since saturday and still no activation. whoever is the bright spark that decided to tell people with network problems to swap their sim when it wasnt needed needs a good talking to. too many people at once on sim swap and they crashed it on sat afternoon/


and now all we keep getting it the standard line of wait 24 hours, absolute rubbish.


anyone else been lucky to get their sim provisioned today ??

Message 104 of 139

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Hi all,


I upgraded to an iPhone 5 on Saturday and I haven't yet activated my nano sim, but my 3G signal has gone off my iPhone 4 (can still make calls and receive texts though)


As the network problem has now supposedly ended, do you think mine sim should swap almost straightaway if i tried it on the website? Reluctant to do it at work, as i don't want to be left with no signal on either device!!

Thanks slight_smile

Message 105 of 139

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I restarted my phone when I got to work this morning and everything is working! Don't give up, I never even got to speak to Customer Services (apart from a quick chat with an online guru) and its been fixed automatically. Good luck all!!!
Message 106 of 139

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I would leave it until tonight, still a backlog at the moment. whilst you have a signal keep it!!
Message 107 of 139

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O2 costumer service!!! What service all they do is give excuses!! 24 hrs to swap sim goin on 72 nw!! Nt happy!!
Message 108 of 139

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@Anonymous wrote:
O2 costumer service!!! What service all they do is give excuses!! 24 hrs to swap sim goin on 72 nw!! Nt happy!!

Understandably so but until O2 discover exactly what the problem is I'm afraid there isn't a lot you can do personally. There must be another problem apart from the backlog they have had to clear.


Message 109 of 139

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Solved. My old number is back on new sim card. After almost 4 days.

Message 110 of 139