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moving pics

Level 19: Quirky
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Help its me again.


Trying to move photos from mums motorola E4 to my laptop and its only finding 15 pics 😞


How do i get it to find the others please ? 

Message 1 of 41

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 I dont understand this sorry mouse on laptop or phone and when ?

@MI5 wrote:
Left click mouse and hold the picture file name and move your mouse to the directory on your laptop where you want the picture to be put then let go of the mouse button.


Message 11 of 41

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OK, plug phone into laptop.
Open the directory where the photos are (the phone directory will appear in the file manager on the laptop).
So, for example if you see a photo called "Photo1" left click and hold, then move the mouse to the directory on your laptop where you want to put the file, (say you have a directory on laptop called "Photos").
Move the mouse until the pointer is over that directory, then let go of the button.
The photo will move from the phone to the laptop and will be in the directory called "Photos".
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Message 12 of 41

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Here's a video @Poppysmum

It's Windows XP but the process is the same for all versions of Windows.

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Message 13 of 41

Not applicable

Screenshot_20**Personal info**-**Personal info**.png



The problem is the laptop CAN'T see all the picture that are on the phone. So they can either be found using the laptop as a viewer into the phones files (complicated) or or by using the phones file manager to find them (easy). 


So use the file manager on the PHONE to move the rest of the pics (that you can't see on the laptop) to the same directory on the phone that contains the 15 pictures you CAN see on the Laptop. 


So say you can see img_123456.jpg on the laptop. 

Find where that image is on the phone using the phones file manager as in the pic. 

Say the image img_123456.jpg is in the directory ''pictures' as above - then move all the rest of the pictures you can't see on the laptop, to that directory on the phone, so all the pics are now in the same place And visible to the laptop. 


Then look on the laptop and  they should now all be visible as you have moved them where the laptop can see them and then you can transfer them on the laptop in @MI5 video @Poppysmum

Message 14 of 41

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Or just open the different directories until you find the photos on your laptop.
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Message 15 of 41

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@MI5 wrote:

Here's a video @Poppysmum

It's Windows XP but the process is the same for all versions of Windows.

Thank you for your help but i got confused and i am bluetoothing them its only way i can do it. 2 and half hours and i had had enough 

Message 16 of 41

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Whichever way works for you is fine.
The end result is the same slight_smile
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Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 17 of 41

Not applicable

@MI5 wrote:
Or just open the different directories until you find the photos on your laptop.

As I said above how much access a windows laptop gets to the (foreign language to it), linux file system on a cellphone depends entirely  on what is used to connect and what you tell the computer (or it decides) the phone is - (USB drive, an external camera and so on - rarely a phone, ironically)

+ how USB is set up on both.+ what versions of windows and Android are in place - so it's not an exact scienceor anything like as straightforward as plugging a usb pen drive in to the laptop would be. Moving files around on a phone using windows is like trying to move things around in a room through a groundfloor window using long grippers. 


Whilst  there is probably some moto software to download to give you more of a chance it's far easier these days to go into the room to move them yourself. Ie using the phones file manager which can see a great deal more of what's in the phone than the laptop can.

In the past when phones didn't have file managers or much of a gui you had no choice, but to use the windows window as it were, but happily now you do. 😎

Message 18 of 41

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Pleased it worked for you @Poppysmum

I had just been discussing your post with my other half and he said there are a few ways of doing it...then added she might be better using bluetooth to move them across. wink

(He took a few photos yesterday of something he is selling on Ebay...then bluetoothed them to the computer to add to his Ebay site) .

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Girl in a jacket
Message 19 of 41

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I bought a new phone today but my heads done in and i dont think @MI5 @jonsie and @Anonymous


Will want me to set it up tonight you know what i am like wink LOL @Cleoriff


Its a samsung A5 2017 sim free phone its still in box. My case doesnt arrive til tomorrow so i will wait before i start transferring from my Motorola G4 unless anyone knows an app that will transfer from Motorola to Samsung for me for tomorrow wink 

Message 20 of 41