on 25-03-2019 12:52
Hey everyone,
It's time for another community spotlight! Today's spotlight is on @Mi-Amigo who is a recent addition to the O2 community, joining back in February of this year he's already settled in as one of our regular members so it's a great time to get to know him a little better.
We asked @Mi-Amigo a few questions which he's kindly answered below!
What’s your name and where are you from?
Mi-Amigo. Real name Steve, or to those who don`t know that - "that long-haired hippy"
I now live in the West Midlands. I was born in Leceistershire; moved with my parents to near Brighton when I was four; then to across the Mersey from Liverpool when I was 10 [and lived round the corner from where Paul McCartney later bought his Dad a house]; moved to Slough [then home to Mars chocolate] when I was 12; moved to Stratford-upon-Avon when I was 16 and went to Shakespeare`s school [he sat behind me and copied my work, I`ve never forgiven him ]; left home and moved to Birmingham.
Why did you join and stay in the O2 Community?
I went to the 02 shop where I lived and got a monthly contract and dongle for my laptop, Everything was fine but when I looked at My02 noticed I was being changed for unsolicited services I hadn`t signed up to. Looked at the Community, saw advice - and, no didn`t use the search box - and contacted 02 accounts via chat. Got exceptionally helpful assistance.
As I have been a member of various forums in the past I know how they work, so joined and posted my experience. Got nice, welcoming feedback, so decided to look around and posted a couple of comments. In all seriousness, in my experiences with forums and having been admin to two, I have never known a forum - no wrong word - Community where I was made so welcome and a part of it - from member who have been here for years.
Why do I stay? Because of the camaraderie, the exchange of ideas, having the opportunity to put forward ideas without admin stamping all over it. I will openly say that @Martin-O2, @Marjo and @EmilieT do an excellent job and should be thanked for the way they manage this and are willing to join in and comment on posts, and put up with the jokes.
In a nutshell? I stay because its fun, I like to think that some of those I`ve met on here are like friends and the Community helps me cope with any day-to-day problems I may have.
What was your first mobile phone and which phone do you currently have?
My first mobile? One of the early housebricks [thnk of DelBoy in Only Fools & Horses]. I worked for BT as Business Centre Manager and got given one for work.
Current phone? A ten-year old Nokio. I don`t do tech.
A smart phone would be a nightmare for me, so I`ve kept the old pay-as-you-go and buy top-ups as and when I need one. I only use it to make calls - T don`t/can`t text and text-speak is a big no no to me.
Favourite movie/TV show/actor?
Favourite movie actors? Alec Guinness; Anthony Hopkins; Tom Hanks
Favourite TV show actors? David Jason; Sheriden Smith
Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
Seasons? Spring - when flowers come into bud, new born animals are born; Summer because I loe warm weather and hate the wind and cold.
Favourite movie / TV show / game?
Favourite movie? Easiest question so far - Passport To Pimlico [old b&w Ealing comedy] by a mile; second? Sleepless In Seattle; third? The Omen [the original - I hate remakes - sacred the hell out of me when I first saw it]
Favourite TV show? any Carla Lance classic [Bread, Butterflies, Liver Birds]; The Prisoner [60s cult drama]; Midsomer Murders
Favourite game? don`t have any modern games or gaming system. Had Sega Megadrive and loved Sonic The Hedgehog
Which movies have you watched way too many times?
Watched too many times? Some have and probably would argue I`ve seen Passport To Pimlico too many times but in book you can`t have too much of a good thing
What sound or sound do you love?
Sounds? The sea - gentle waves lapping the shore, full crashing waves - doesn`t matter - love it; the calls of animals - the sound of whales, the roar of a lion, the purr of a cat.... the list goes on.
Which famous person (living or dead) would you like have a conversation with and why?
Famous persons? Now this is difficult. I have been fortunate to have met quite a few famous people. But I`d loved to have met John Lennon. To me, the guy was a genius.
People couldn`t get him. I`ve read so much about his influences - writers, muscians - and would ask him about that. My other choice would be Ghandi. I`d love to know how he coped with the adverse reaction he experienced and yet kept calm and continued in his civil disobedience - one of my heros.
What would you do if you ever won the lottery?
Lottery? I never do the lottery. If I did win a sizable about of money, I`d make donations to Macmillan Cancer Care, The Dogs Trust, Whale & Dolphin Conservation, the homeless hostel I was in, buy a scope machine for the hospital ward I was in and who saved my life.
Any future developments in mobile tech you’re looking forward to?
Mobile tech? Sorry doesn't float my boat. I`m a complete technophobe. But can understand those who are. I was enthusiastic about citizens band radio and the equipment - even though I didn`t understand the techy spec.
What do you like to do in your spare time, besides hanging out with us around the Community?
Not Community? Listening to vinyl records - especially The Beatles [no surprise], Macca, Bruce Sprngsteen; reading - history [not novels but true history], true crime; and I am currently writing a book.
Great spotlight Mi-Amigo! Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself and if anyone has any follow up questions feel free to ask.
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on 25-03-2019 21:37
on 25-03-2019 21:37
26-03-2019 10:25 - edited 26-03-2019 10:26
26-03-2019 10:25 - edited 26-03-2019 10:26
on 26-03-2019 11:59
on 26-03-2019 11:59
@Marjo wrote:Lovely spotlight @Mi-Amigo ! Awesome to learn more about you. I spotted a few things we have in common: Anthony Hopkins is also one of my favourite actors, and I also like spring and summer!
What history themes or eras do you like to read about the most?
Thank you for your nice comments @Marjo . I liked Anthony Hopkins in some of his early films like Magic and The Elephant Man, as well as the more recent Fracture [the doble jeopardy one].
As for history? I like reading and learning about the Victorian era and how there are many misconstrued ideas about so-called Victorian values. Also I have a keen interest in Richard III and have done research on him - again Shakespeare has a lot to answer for, guilty of starting many myths about Richard III.
on 26-03-2019 19:30
on 26-03-2019 19:30
on 26-03-2019 21:50
on 26-03-2019 21:50
Thank you, all of you, for your kind words and making me so welcome in the Community, and hope that I have answered the questions you asked about me. It has been an honour to have been selected for this Community Spotlight and I intend to, hopefully, continuing being a part of this great Community for some time to come
on 27-03-2019 07:47
on 27-03-2019 07:47
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on 27-03-2019 09:15
on 27-03-2019 09:15