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Community Spotlight: liggerz87

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Hi all! I hope your day is going well. slight_smile


It's time for another Community Spotlight! This time we have asked some questions to a member who's been around for quite a while now, and you'll have seen him taking part in various types of discussions. Either giving out some advice, sharing some feedback or joining off-topic discussions, it's always a pleasure to have him around! slight_smile


I hope you'll enjoy getting to know @liggerz87 a bit more, and please don't hesitate to say hi or ask anything else in the comments if you're curious!



SPOTLIGHT: @liggerz87


What’s your name and where are you from?

Name is Mansle Liggins but use my 2nd name Daniel as my dad is called Mansle and my taid grandad is also Mansle.


Why did you join and stay in the O2 Community?

I joined O2 Community because I joined O2 and thought could help people with my knowledge.


What was your first mobile phone and which phone do you currently have?

First phone was a Philips BT Cellnet, next phone was a Nokia 3310 and then O2 X1 made by Maxon. Currently have a Samsung S9+. Was a massive HTC fan but as their phones are hard to come by now it's Samsung.


What do you like to do in your spare time?

If I had enough room I'd play the drums but no room for them so it's skateboarding and playing football and Xbox.


If you were CEO of O2 for a day, what would you do?

If I was CEO for the day I'd make sure every black spot of phone signal had the signal instead of upgrading places that have decent signal already, and make sure north Wales was covered by 3G and 4G so no black spots there as some places still suffer no signal.


Favourite movie / TV show / game?

Don't really have a favourite film. I loved Dark Matter TV show, shame it got cancelled, so I'd say Lucifer is my favourite TV show. Game I play is FIFA 19, Destiny 2 and Forza Horizon 4 at min.


Do you have any pets?

I have like maybe 15 to 20 rats at the min.


Which person (living or dead) would you like to have a conversation with and why?

Most likely my uncle who passed away a good while ago I think 6 years ago.


What's your dream house like and where would it be located (if you could choose anything!)?

Not really bothered by house, one in north Wales haha


Favourite meal?

Chicken Tikka Korma


What is your zombie apocalypse plan? 

Just try to survive and kill silently.



Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions @liggerz87! Awesome to learn more about you. slight_smile




Message 1 of 26

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Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 11 of 26

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Thanks @Cleoriff. Actually, you picked one of my favourites. He was amazing Fantastic

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 12 of 26

Not applicable

I vaguely remember having a HTC Desire C back in the day. What was your favourite HTC model?

Message 13 of 26

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Lucifer's a good, if weird, show, @liggerz87. I think I saw the show up until he goes back to hell to meet up with his mum, possibly series 3? Was on Netflix.

I am waiting to see how Good Omens pans out on Amazon Prime in 2019...

Sprague Dawley rats?

Good Spotlight.

Message 14 of 26

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Awesome spotlight @liggerz87! Good to see a fellow gamer on the forum. smiling


I was wondering how do you keep track of all the rats? 

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Message 15 of 26

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There's no drummer I aspire to be like I liked Phil Collins my dad gave me a CD of his to listen to and try copy which I thought was good I lived in q 1 bed house which shared kitchen bathroom and lived in one for like 3 to 4 years and wernt to happy with pets so had hamsters couldn't have a dog but someone mentioned you should try rats as they intelgent and so on and then got 1 rat and one female rat they had a oops litter so kept the dad with the boys and girl with the mum and after that just kept rats from then onwards and they make amazing pets
Message 16 of 26

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@Martin-O2 they all in different cages and in set groups so that how out of all them I forget 2 of there names which my mate named them so that prob don't help
Message 17 of 26

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@pgn it got cancelled Netflix have reniwed it so season 4 will be on Netflix maybe give it another go as all of it was on Amazon and when the season finished they realised 3bof the new episodes or 2 of them on it can't quite remember but I loved it
Message 18 of 26

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@Anonymous I had the desire c HTC one m7 m8 m9 missed the 10 as no one sold it so to speak looking at you o2 and had the u11 looks like I couldn't get the HTC u12+ so gome samsung as had the s8 s8+ note 8 and now have the Samsung s9+
Message 19 of 26

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I remember watching that video before also did GCSE in music in school so had to look up the origins of jazz and classical music aswel
Message 20 of 26