Resolved! voicemail not working
My voicemail won't work
My voicemail won't work
Phone cuts out always when on call
Have just returned from Portugal and data roaming did not work, my data roaming was switched on. Am going again soon, any ideas?
Morning, I went to visit Alderney in June and my data roaming was on which used data from my package, I am now going to Guernsey in November, and have been told rules have changed there because we are no longer in the EU, however it’s part of the Bri...
Please help..last month my autistic 13 year old kept adding bolt ons and ran up£209 bill. I asked o2 to block bolt ons and they said I should have words with my son. This month its£65 ... how can I stop him receiving texts about bolt ons and stop him...
Hi. This is the 3rd time I’ve come to Europe and don’t have internet. I only get 3G rather than 4G and my phone doesn’t work with 3G. I’m currently in Berlin, I have checked all the settings and nothing I do seems to make any difference.
Hello Can anyone tell me how to activate conference call on my phone?
Hi, I have just upgraded my tariff which will start this month. I chose 30gb over my current 12gb from the list. I also received an email confirming "30gb" of data, unlimited texts and calls. However, on the website it tells me the new tariff will be...
what do I need to turn off to stop incurring charges.
Hello, Just would like to confirm the information about WiFi calling supported devices.On the website there is the list of supported devices. Is this list up to date? There is no iPhone 13 on the ...