Visual voicemail warning
Hello,Why do I keep getting pixel 7a: "Thanks for activating Visual Voicemail. Note: if you have data turned off, or can't get data coverage, you'll need to dial 901 to check for messages."Thanks
Hello,Why do I keep getting pixel 7a: "Thanks for activating Visual Voicemail. Note: if you have data turned off, or can't get data coverage, you'll need to dial 901 to check for messages."Thanks
Hi there I recently cancelled with my old provider ee and wanted to keep my existing phone number so as asked I got a PAK code and when I bought my 02 SIM card the man in the 02 shop setup the sim card for me, so now Iv put my new SIM card in but it’...
How do I put the esim on the galaxy watch ultra? It was in Myo2 ready to be activated but it has activated as a secondary esim on my phone, I tried to request a new esim through Myo2 but it's just giving me access denied and the CS is just telling me...
I ordered a phone on the 23 August to be delivered to my address it was supposed to come on the 27th August it still as not come
I am new customer at O2 I just sign up my credit check got decline before credit check I gave 100pound upfront credit got decline where my upfront refund
Is it possible to duplicate a sim? Son has an iPhone, but I only want him to have a Nokia during the week and don’t want to keep taking the sim in and out.
Hi there. I keep getting texts saying "Thanks for activating visual voicemail", but I've never actually done so (it's 2024, who uses voicemail?!). These appear to be official O2 system messages - there are no links out, my phone recognises it as comi...
I am in Dubai.Can I avoid extra charges if I just use hotel wifi
I’ve lost the sim for my tablet, as my tablet it connected to my mobile phone number, this means I can’t access my account because of the security, it’s asking to send a code to the number connected with the sim I have no access to
My O2 number ********** is not working for making a phone call or receiving a text message, but it can answer a phone call. Please help me. Thanks. [Mod edit: Please do not share personal details as your posts are visible to the public. Thanks!]