how can i increase the amount of ringtime before forwarding to voicemail
WE struggle to answer the phone before calls are forwarded to voicemail how can we increase the amount of time that the phone rings for
WE struggle to answer the phone before calls are forwarded to voicemail how can we increase the amount of time that the phone rings for
what number do I call if I’m abroad and can’t get in my o2? The one on the website is not working.
Hi I changed my sim only to unlimited data and chose to use an eSIM. I left the old one in at first and couldn’t receive calls.there were loads of new options under mobile data that I didn’t I removed the old plastic sim but still I hav...
contacted o2 15th sept 2024 as I noticed I couldn't receive sms messages but could send them with no issues. Was assured this would be looked at and someone would be back to me within 5 business days... but no nothing I messaged on the 20th ( 5 busin...
Trying to connect my Apple Watch data plan to new apple watch series 10, getting code 112 useless on the phone
Hi. I cannot make outbound call. Message says calling then goes straight to call ended. This applies to all contact numbers
I need to cancel our phone contract
Hi I’m unable to log into my account due to the phone number being different
I left Heathrow on the 23 SeptI discussed all issues prior to flying to LA The Techs said my iPhone 13 Pro was set up for Data roaming Nothing worked once I landedI am 79 and was left stranded at LAX. I was in incredible painand nearly passed outO2 d...
I want to enter my account without having access to my mobile number