Resolved! safesearch
why is my safesearch locked
why is my safesearch locked
Incoming Calls going straight to voicemail, also not receiving messages
Hi I don't appear to have any mobile data, no icon either. I appear to have plenty of allowance. Samsung s10. Any advice please.
Hi, How can I unlock my handset when I don't have access to another Newtork Sim Card?
Called in o2 shop and they had never heard of Idata bolt on?
My wife’s phone had been put on hold after incurring expenditure, why? How do we unlock the hold?
Hi I returned my phone on 31/7 for repair. Can you please let me know the status? This will be the second time in 4 months it has been repaired. Thank you Tracy
Hi, why is Travel inclusive zone bolt on not working now? It says I need to buy a data bolt on? I have been in usa for 10 days with no issues til now
O2 have lost my number during a port from another port network, can anyone help me? O2 just keeptrying to do the form again or hanging up!
Hi I was recently transferred from Virgin to O2 , my problem is my phone is currently having issues so tried my back up and I am being asked for PIN/Puck code , I have tried the O2 website entering my mob num and ticking not a robot but just keeps co...