on 14-06-2022 11:48
Anyone know how I can increase my very poor 02 mobile signal inside my stone house. Have tried various WiFi boosters to no avail. Have good broadband speed but very poor inside signal. I’ve discovered that O2’s Boostbox is for business customers only. Are femtocells usable with O2? I’m no techy & improvement is vital for work. Advice appreciated.
on 14-06-2022 12:05
on 14-06-2022 12:05
The best place to look for advice is the likes of ISP Review, as not sure if signal is poor you are sticking with o2, and not looking at the other networks.
You can google a device which is OfCom approved called the CelFi, but they start at nearly £1,000 , and is a reputable device