on 20-08-2021 16:44
Ever since I got a new phone on 08/07/21 I've been having problems sending and receiving text messages.
I appear to have better phone signal with my new phone than the previous phone that I had for 5 years, however text messages are slow arriving and slow being sent too. I leave the WiFi on whilst at home.
I've been into the messages app and cleared data and cleared cache too and restarted the phone, but this has not helped. Do I need to do anything at the O2 end of things if I get a new phone? Someone on a message board with the same problem said they asked their network to update their APN and that made the difference.
Please help!
on 20-08-2021 16:52
Your apn is for data only so has nothing to do with sms.
Try these tips here Guide: Text Message Tips (not sent or received)
on 25-08-2021 11:31
Hi @Help24 did the tips above help?
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