on 04-11-2023 15:25
So just moved into a new apartment. Finally got broadband / wifi setup with another company last week but this morning it went down.
The o2 coverage of 5g in my area is really poor due to living in a busy city centre area.
Won’t be able to get broadband fixed until Monday at the earliest and I have a lot of work I need to do and a stable internet connection is required.
is there anyway I can get temporary internet access? Or a short term dongle or something like that?
on 04-11-2023 15:31
Easiest way would be to chat to a neighbour to use their wifi.
Not much you can do otherwise if you're not getting decent network coverage.
on 04-11-2023 17:21
You could try a dongle from another network ; visit a Three, Vodaphone or EE mobile store.
Or get a PAYG SIM from one of these networks and buy a second-hand dongle from the likes of CEX.
on 04-11-2023 17:30
It's going to be difficult to set anything else up and trial alternatives between now and Monday.