on 05-01-2025 10:13
Is there a way of contacting an actual Human at O2? My phone has started to get hot again and their Chat is hopeless
on 05-01-2025 11:05
Yes, All the ways to contact O2 are in this guide
Guide: How to find help & contact O2 #
on 05-01-2025 11:25
You were advised by @Cleoriff to contact Samsung directly before https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Tech-Support/Phone-getting-hot/td-p/1774664
I suggest that is your best way to get a swift resolution.
on 05-01-2025 18:00
If you @Knutsford perchance live or work within striking distance of a "Samsung Experience Store", that is another alternative to address your problem :-
Samsung Experience Store - Repairs & Services | Samsung UK
Samsung Experience Store - Find your nearest store location | Samsung UK