on 17-01-2020 05:21
on 17-01-2020 06:59
I'd call customer service to check everything is setup ok and question the previous charges, although it's probably too late to do anything now.
Roaming guide here Guide: Roaming MegaGuide
With regard to your data. It sounds like a bolt on for the extra 20gb Guide: Where is my discount or Extra Data?
on 17-01-2020 07:31
on 17-01-2020 07:37
on 17-01-2020 07:37
Worth a quick call again this morning @Class2ldn to remind them they promised a refund, esp if the bolt on was or should have been there.
on 17-01-2020 18:57
on 17-01-2020 19:13
on 17-01-2020 19:13
If you are sure you have travel inclusive, yes, you will be safe to use your phone as normal.
on 17-01-2020 19:15
on 17-01-2020 19:15
For info, standard O2 travel will cost you £4.99 a day.
Travel inclusive is free use of your allowances.
on 17-01-2020 19:21
on 17-01-2020 19:27
on 17-01-2020 19:39
on 17-01-2020 19:39
Right now you will be getting charged.
You really need to call customer services to see why you don't have travel inclusive and if they can add it for you.
Guide: How to find help & contact O2