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Still being charged for my old Switch Up phone

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Hi, so I know this isn't a customer support forum but I wondered if anyone else has experienced the same issue.


Back on 12th of October I did a Switch-Up from a Pixel Fold to a Pixel 8 Pro. I promptly returned the Fold by post (unfortunately the new way to do it) and got a confirmation from O2 Recycle/Ingram Micro it was received on the 18th Oct.


My October bill comes in and it's £48 higher than expected. This is the device cost for the fold. I didn't worry at the time as I suspected it was a timing thing and I'd get a rebate the next Month.


November bill comes around and I'm again being charged for the Fold on top of my P8P. I called last week and they confirmed the issue and said it'd be sorted and I'd get a revised bill for November.


I heard nothing all week so I called again today and there's no bloody record of last week's incident being raised so I had to go through the motions all over again. This time I got a reference number and a promise of a call in 24/48 hours. Not convinced the latter will happen but at least I have a reference number this time.


Anyway, I wondered if anyone else had been affected by this. Might be worth noting this was the first time I'd switched up on the 'new' system. Prior to that I did the whole thing in-store and it was painless every time. If this kind of thing is liable to happen often because of what I suspect is a communication breakdown between Billing and Recycle, I'm really not going to enjoy future switch-ups, not knowing if my next bill is going to be inflated or not...

Message 1 of 81

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Sad to say, that 7 days seems to be running at 8 weeks at present

This is not O2 and we are all customers here similar to yourself and cannot answer account type queries.
Message 21 of 81

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You heard anything else? They still haven't responded to my Resolver complaint, Dave is looking into things on his end but will only get back to me when he has something.


Just paid my 3rd overcharged bill last week and yesterday I figured I'd try one more time via 202 since I'm now interested in the S24.


Well calling 202 was, once again, a massive waste of time. First, the guy rudely tried to claim I'm paying arrears for a missed payment last August, until I insisted that's impossible and even checked my bank to see my payments (direct debit btw, so unmissable) have been as regular as they've always been.


Then he eventually suggested I had 2 phones until I gave him the reference and date of the o2 Recycle receipt of the PFold. 


After many bouts of being put on hold, he confirmed he'd speak to some other team to get the Fold taken off my account and issue refunds as he couldn't do it. But he also claimed he couldn't give me a reference number or any kind of on-the-spot confirmation that this was sorted. After an hour on the phone and my last shred of patience drained, I gave up and took his word. I can't seem to check in the app if it's gone, suppose I just have to wait for my next bill which should be due soon. I really don't want to call them again as it's getting incredibly frustrating starting from scratch every single time and getting lied to on each occasion.


I also really hope this isn't going to be an issue every time I choose to switch up, now that I'm forced to post the phone in and hope they process it properly. I'm not even sure where I stand with regards to switching to the S24. I don't want to end up paying for 3 phones...

Message 22 of 81

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I had it happen twice, but since then (fingers crossed) not had it, but it was a faff to get them to remove it. 

Rather than ringing 202 ring the Payment team on 0800 902 0217 they seem to have more of a clue, and can sort it otherwise it is a waiting game I am afraid but have faith and Dave will come back to you.


I wouldn't normally suggest this (i am on the old billing platform) but what I did was to cancel the Direct Debit for the old device plan, so you are not overpaying... There is a risk that they will suspend your line, for a couple of hours, but it is surprising how quick they find the fault, and fix it.. 

The above is at your own risk...



This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 23 of 81

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I have been in touch with Dave as well. He said he will check and get back to me when he has an update.


But before contacting Dave, I had spoken to the payments team and although they knew the problem, they said that they do not have option to completely close the old contract and this could only be done by the back end team. They said they have escalated to the back end team and I should hear back from them within 5-10 business days. I haven't had any updates since then.

Message 24 of 81

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Sorry you've also not got sorted. I called them again yesterday and finally got through to someone apparently in the returns team and he, for the first time in all the calls I've made, appeared to give a damn. He worked with me to forward him my Ingram Micro return confirmation email and said that was all he needed to remove the Pixel Fold from my account. He said it was done immediately but I guess I'll find out when I get my next bill. He's also processing a refund and should call me on Sunday to arrange for a transfer to my bank account.


As an aside, I popped into a store last night to order the S24U. I thought I'd see if the guys in the store could see anything on my account relating to the Fold - the rep brought my details up and found a Fold entry that said 'disconnected', so now I'm wondering what that might have said before my phonecall earlier in the day.


I'm still not 100% sure it's resolved and I'm still keeping my Resolver complaint open as I'm seeking proper compensation in addition to the refunded Fold payments (if they come through).


Fingers crossed we both get a result soon - I really hope this doesn't happen again when I switch from my P8P to the Samsung!

Message 25 of 81

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Lo and behold the agent last week was full of BS. Today is new bill day and I'm still being overcharged.


Time to escalate this. I've had enough of their dishonest 'customer service' staff.

Message 26 of 81

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If you have a complaint ref number from  Resolver, you need to add this to the complaint.

What a damn shambles this all is!!

@Dave-O2have you any type of update for @Rob_83 and @Mithun88g?

Its a real disasyer that this shambles has been goiing on since Oct with NO resolution!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 27 of 81

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Hey @Cleoriff, I've updated my Resolver case following every interaction, every broken promise and every bill. I've updated it today and I have just contacted the CEO and COO with a polite but lengthy explanation of the situation and also included the Resolver reference for them (or their team) to get the finer details.


@Dave-O2 had promised to do what he could and as it's not really his job I have not chased him. I appreciate anything he can do but also understand he may be limited. So Dave, to be clear I have not complained about you or shamed you in my complaint but I did mention that you offered to look into it, which I am grateful for. My person-specific complaints are purely against the 202 agents that have strung me along.


I get my S24U tomorrow - I'm dreading the February bill!!

Message 28 of 81

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I understand completely but have bumped the thread in case @Dave-O2 has heard anything back.

Also just noticed my spelling of disaster on my previous thread. Too damn bad I rang out of editing time! 😂

The main problem with using a PC with no spellcheck on this forum!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 29 of 81

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Hey @Cleoriff 


Both the investigations I've raised in relation to @Rob_83 and @Mithun88g Device Plans are still open.


Once i have a further update to share on this i'll be reaching out via PM to let them know 👍



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