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Fraud!! How can this happen ....

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I am still waiting to hear from the fraud department and 02 have been most unhelpful which is leading me to believe that possibly this is an inside job!


Apparently 02 called me on the 21st December to change my address but will not tell me what prompted this phone call. They didnt call ME and apparently on the same day not only was the address changed but someone took out a new contract and ordered themselves a nice swanky phone! 


My account shows the order for the phone on that date but what I cant understand is that my email has not changed so why was the normal notification of change of contract, new phone, etc emailed to me as is the normal course.


As I sit here fuming just out of frustration I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen?


When I spoke to the fraud department they didnt seem too bothered and apparently this happens a lot and the person just wants a nice phone to sell on. Thats great, but in the meantime, whilst I wait for them to think about sorting this out I have to pay the high monthly charges that this lovely little blighter decided to choose on my behalf!


Once this has been sorted and after 11 years of being with 02 I shall be moving to another company!  We also have two other phone contracts with 02 which shall also be moved!

Message 1 of 42

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i wasnt trying to be the police its just common sense. A phone has been ordered fraudulently you know the address its being delivered to (o2 shop) you catch them when they pick it up how hard is it to catch these people. If i can work it out I am sure a company like o2 could sort it out. why wouldnt you notify the shop on friday 4 days before it even got picked up. Just let them get away with it, there probably doing it on some elses account now. no wonder everyones prices are so fing high

Message 41 of 42

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O2 aren't concerned by this, I have the delivery address for a phone ordered on my account, which I reported the day the order was made, the phone was still delivered and O2 have swallowed the cost.


All I'm bothered about is the possible security breach into my account.

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Message 42 of 42