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Data issue

Not applicable
Hi. Start from the beginning shall we! I had originally an Xperia z with 1GB of Internet which kept getting used up within 2 weeks of my data resetting. I thought this was due to me using my internet far too much on my phone. I went into O2 and asked the girl who said this was the case and to buy an extra Gb of data so now I have 2gb (did this about a year ago). Anyway it kept happening, 2gb used up within two weeks each month and me buying an extra 500mb of data on top which also got used up. I turn my data off when I am not using it to save as much as possible. I ended up switching to an iPhone 5 in October and though things would change as my boyfriend had it and ha 3gb of Internet and never went over this at all and never came near to it but uses his phone for all the same things as me. But alas no still kept happening. Anyway I've come to the conclusion there is something wrong with my contract as on Friday I had all my data turned off as usual, all automatic updates off and bought 500mb of data and within 5 minutes I had a text saying I had used 80% of my data!!! I hadn't even turned it back on!! So clearly for the past year or so I have been paying extra for data and I neednt have as there is clearly something wrong that has nothing to do with the amount I am using! Can anybody think what could be wrong? I'll be wanting all my money back for all the extra data I paid for and didn't need to tbh and making a complaint! But if anyone could help me in figuring out what the issue is that would be great.
Message 1 of 49

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Thanks @MI5 and @viridis  for confirmation.

The reason I was sure it could be an issue was because MI5 warned me of something similar not long after I had my S3 wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 11 of 49

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Hi @Anonymous did you find any of the advice above useful? Would be great to hear your feedback.
Message 12 of 49

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Not really to be honest! I complained, first time I got a response of the data is being used at 00.00 at night... but how on earth is that possible if the data is turned off? HOW? Please someone explain. I complained AGAIN and they told me the same thing but gave me £5 off for a year... but still makes no sense... plus if all the data is being used overnight at 00.00 then how did I run out within 5minutes when I bought 500mb? Really annoying, really confusing and I believe they are ripping me off... I plan on upgrading tomorrow however when I get my 5gb of data how can i be sure this won't run out within 2 weeks. There is a problem ,no one is investigating it and it's nonsense. I went into O2 and she said it does sound weird specially since it ran out so quickly when I bought it but all she could do was talk to O2 chat who surprisingly said the same rubbish about it being calculated overnight!! What on earth?? So annoyed. So I'll probs go to the ombudsman because it's ridiculous. The girl even checked if I had everything off and yes I did, videos on fb only play when connected to wifi (set by me) data is off when not in use, no automatic updates, no background refresh... and I only use my data for social networking. My boyfriend had 3GB on EE doesn't use WIFI uses the phone for the same things as I do but never goes over 3GB but I go over 2GB and I use wifi? Makes no sense. Sorry for my rants but thanks for the help you tried to give me.
Message 13 of 49

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Midnight is when the O2's billing system collates all the days data usage and is NOT when you are using it.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 14 of 49

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Probably an Apple "power saving" feature that turns of wifi when sleeping and then the mobile data kicks in.
Message 15 of 49

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So if it's calculating the days usage and I've had no data for two weeks how can it possibly calculate anything? Then when I buy 500mb it says 80% has been used when the data is still off within 5 minutes? Why can no one help me with this? Can't anyone see there's a problem?
Message 16 of 49

Not applicable
I thought we had seen other instances on here of Apple devices using huge amounts of data in a matter of minutes. @MI5 didn't this happen to you?

Was a solution found? Was it anything to do with shared data plans? My memory is hazy on this but we have seen it before and as is well known I don't do iPhone.
Message 17 of 49

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A number of previous threads show it was down to the Sharer plans..... but I think they have been sorted now

Although I am hoping the op has checked it with CS....?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 18 of 49

Not applicable

Nothing to do with the sharer plans , this one. That was data not reseting on my o2.;)

Message 19 of 49

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@Anonymous wrote:

Nothing to do with the sharer plans , this one. That was data not reseting on my o2.;)

Good job. Although as it was recently an issue for many it would be as well if the OP checked via CS wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 20 of 49