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Data issue

Not applicable
Hi. Start from the beginning shall we! I had originally an Xperia z with 1GB of Internet which kept getting used up within 2 weeks of my data resetting. I thought this was due to me using my internet far too much on my phone. I went into O2 and asked the girl who said this was the case and to buy an extra Gb of data so now I have 2gb (did this about a year ago). Anyway it kept happening, 2gb used up within two weeks each month and me buying an extra 500mb of data on top which also got used up. I turn my data off when I am not using it to save as much as possible. I ended up switching to an iPhone 5 in October and though things would change as my boyfriend had it and ha 3gb of Internet and never went over this at all and never came near to it but uses his phone for all the same things as me. But alas no still kept happening. Anyway I've come to the conclusion there is something wrong with my contract as on Friday I had all my data turned off as usual, all automatic updates off and bought 500mb of data and within 5 minutes I had a text saying I had used 80% of my data!!! I hadn't even turned it back on!! So clearly for the past year or so I have been paying extra for data and I neednt have as there is clearly something wrong that has nothing to do with the amount I am using! Can anybody think what could be wrong? I'll be wanting all my money back for all the extra data I paid for and didn't need to tbh and making a complaint! But if anyone could help me in figuring out what the issue is that would be great.
Message 1 of 49

Not applicable

FYI this happened on my ANDROID phone as well. My xperia Z to be precise so not an iPhone issue.

Message 31 of 49

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I'm sure you know this but Instagram and Snapchat use shed loads of data.....
Maybe you need to change the way you use your phone and use more data intensive apps when on WiFi....?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 32 of 49

Level 56: Guvnor
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Its snapchat.
There was a user here who had excessive drain and the culprit was snapchat.
Look here:

Disable that junk and find a better social platform that cares about customer data usage.
And if you're wondering why this didn't happen before. It did, it's just the images were much lower quality and size then.
Message 33 of 49

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What does your iPhone say in regards to how much snapchat has used.
Its in settings and cellular data I believe
Message 34 of 49

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@Anonymous wrote:

FYI this happened on my ANDROID phone as well. My xperia Z to be precise so not an iPhone issue.

Sorry but just to clarify about the phone...earlier on this thread (post 24) you said this..

"Ok so I've had the iPhone 6 for two weeks now, checked my data usage and I have used 3.9gb even tho I have used it for the same things!! I haven't used it anymore than I would have before! Ridiculous! Something dodgy is going on and this is why I was not happy going with O2 again but I get a 30% discount and I was promised £5 off for the complaint. But cmon 3.9gb in 2 weeks and only using my phone for social media? When previously in 2 weeks I used 2gb..."

So are you using this same amount of data on these two phones?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 35 of 49

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No before on the Xperia z op had 1gb which expired in 2 weeks.
Its snapchats "discover" feature
Google snapchat data drain and be amazed at viridis diagnosis.
Message 36 of 49

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I wasn't sure @viridis  as the Op said they had upgraded to 5Gb now....I didn't know whether that was on the iPhone or the Xperia....Anyway no matter....:smileywink:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 37 of 49

Not applicable
Good question @Cleoriff.

It never ceases to amaze me that we get asked questions and more info comes out later in the cycle. It would be most helpful if we had as much info as possible from the start.
Message 38 of 49

Not applicable

Ok but what gets me is the fact my boyfriend used the iphone 5 that I had (which started using after my xperia Z) and he never used wifi, had 3gb of data and used the exact same social networks, including snapchat, but never ever went over his data, when I use wifi about 70% of the tmie (e.g when in the house) had 2gb with the iphone5 and went over it within two week? Just seems odd, he is with EE however, maybe I should have went with them? I turn off all my data though this is the main thing, so yes I understand snapchat uses a lot of data but how can it use my data if the data is turned off most of the da. It baffles me it really does. I'll not stop using snapchat cause I enjoy it! But if I go over 5gb in a month when I use WIFI at home and dont use my phone for around 7 hours of the day whilst at work then theres gotta be soemething up

Message 39 of 49

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Because when you do turn data on snapchat is doing a mass sync.
The feature "discover" is a recent addition and is the culprit.
And the reason it says 00:00 on the usage is because it collates the days use and reports it at the end of the day, this shows as 00:00.
Uninstall snapchat and see.
Message 40 of 49