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Changes from 23rd August

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Hi, I got a text saying they`ll be changes to the Classic PAYG tafiff from 23/8/18.

I`ve searched online but can`t find any info.

Can someone help please.

Message 1 of 55

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Just got a text from o2 with a link to look up and from 24th August my £20 big bundle is changing and will change when when my tariff renows on its anniversar date. Which is foe me the 3rd of every month.

im now to get 2000 minutes, 5000 text and 8gb of 4g data for my £20 a month. Seems good.

I see they are doing away with data rollover by the looks of it.The now for my £20 I was getting 1000 minutes, 2000 text and 6gb of data with data rollover of up to 6gb.

The reduced rates on international calls ans text dont bother me as i dont make them sort of calls and text.

 As some posted above 901 voicemail is going up from 30p to 35p. I dont think I will be using voicemail much and that I dont get much calls anyway just mostly my sister, her freind or once in a while work and 9 times out of 10 my sister or her friend will text me or message me via Facebook messenger.

I also lucky if I use 100 minutes of calls some months. I text a liitle more than I make calls. As for data I use a little more data now than I used to a year or so ago but I know i may not use the full 8gb in a month but its good to have.



Message 41 of 55

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From this post here from @darrengf it says they are keeping the data rollover?


"Any unused Data will rollover to the next month as long as you have credit on the phone and the renewal takes place as normal on the  Anniversary date".

So it still remains confusing!?

Veritas Numquam Perit

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Message 42 of 55

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Thanks for the link. So they are still going to keep data rollover.



Message 43 of 55

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hi @darrenney02


yes you can roll up to one months worth of normal data to the next. 


For example.


im on a 2GB £10 plan

i used 500mb, which leaves 1.5Gb to roll over.


next month I will have 3.5GB to use.

however in that month let say I only use again 500mb of my 3.5GB allowance.


Only 2GB will roll over.  Data doesn’t keep rolling, you get 1 additional month to use the previous months data, if you hadn’t used the previous month data and the end of the 2nd month, then you loose it.  But as you didn’t tap into the new 2GB on the new month, this then rolls over.


hope this helps. 

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Message 44 of 55

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I am very disappointed with o2 with the bundles as I have the £15 bundle and 500 minutes are enough for me and I'm lucky if I send 10 text a month so don't need 1000 minutes or 500 text but data they could of at least gave more data but instead the £20 and £25 get an increase but not the others. Plus pay monthly and sum only get really good deals and pay and go get rubbish. Then the network wonders why they lose customers. For the same money I can go to giffgaff and get bundle has not long started but as my renewal date gets closer I will phone for my pax.
Message 45 of 55

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Sorry ment 5000 text's and pac code
Message 46 of 55

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Make sure you ask for a "PAC"

and that's the benefit of PAYG over contracts in that you can just leave if another company offers something better.

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Message 47 of 55

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Hi @Kevin896062


@comparing o2 to Giff Gaff is like chalk and cheese I’m afraid.

you would need to compare o2 to the main operators. Ie three, coda and EE


You have to remember Giff Gaff have no customer care advisors you can call. It’s run by the forum and you would need to email for help.  


Giff Gaff rent space of O2, yes it’s owned by o2, but it’s run independently. 

Becuase Giff Gaff have very low overheads, they can allow bigger bundles etc.


But also remember speeds have been known due to the priority Giff Gaff get is slower than o2.

Im not knocking Giff Gaff at all, but you can’t comapre the two I’m afraid.


Also the new o2 big bundle tarriff have had either an increase in Mins, sms, data are all three.

Data roll over is on them as well from 23rd August.


o2 also offer London Underground Wi-fi, Giff Gaff doesn’t. 


But it like it’s been mentioned, PAYG can leave at any time, contracts have to stay to the end or pay up. 



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Just received a text from O2


2018/08/15 11:09

We recently got in touch about changes to our Pay As You Go tariffs, including some of our standard and out of bundle rates from 23 Aug.

If you called 2202 to hear more about these changes, you may have had some problems.

Everything's fixed now though, so please do call us back on 2202, for free.


Of course, there is now no mention of the changes on 2202. What is more there is an out of date offer (finished 14th August) being "advertised" today (15th August). Something about organising drinks in a brewery comes to mind.

Message 49 of 55

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I know giffgaff are a bit slower then o2. Plus I'm in Scotland so what good is wifi on the London underground? But 1 thing o2 don't allow though I do do it is tether and giffgaff allows it. I was on giffgaff a few years ago and never had any problems with them. The point I was making was why can't they increase data on all bundles?
Message 50 of 55