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Hello All!

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I hope you're all ok. I'm 5 days on from having my gallbladder removed and, right now, wishing I'd taken my chances with the pancreatitis! I know that's totally ridiculous but I'm the world's worst patient! I somehow managed to survive the needles thanks to my ever so patient husband and the lovely medical staff, none of whom laughed at me for my fear. I have my jar of gallstones, one of which is the size of a small marble! At the moment I'm being well looked after by Harry Puss whilst listening to my new Billy Joel CD and trying to pluck up the courage to eat something - one plus point is I've lost 7.5lb!

One thing I will say is I will never, ever understand why people have operations for cosmetic reasons!
Message 1 of 12

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Hi Tracey


Glad to hear that everything well and you are on the road to recovery slight_smile

Message 2 of 12

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Chin up Tracey.

My partner is petrified Of needles.

She goes all Clammy and faint just at the thought of them. 😞
Message 3 of 12

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Hi @Anonymous  I hope you are doing well.

Its over and done now and good job. Please don't ever wish that you had continued with pancreatitis...

Over the years that really is a most debilitating illness..and would require far more needles than you

had with the gall bladder operation wink

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Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 12

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Thanks all!

BoB, your partner has my sympathy! My husband said he knew I didn't like needles, not that I'm absolutely terrified, cry and shake uncontrollably!

Cleoriff, I don't really mean it about the pancreatitis. I know it can be fatal and there's no way I was risking that. My boss had the same op years ago and said day 4 was her worst day as well so hopefully it's onwards and upwards now.

It's been over 24 hours since I last had any painkillers so I'm taking that as positive. I just need to get my appetite back!
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@Anonymous  Good for you reducing painkillers...however no need for bravery, if you have pain, get them

down you... (As you see, it doesn't take me long to revert back to nursing mode)  LOL

My daughter-in-law had this operation. She felt grim for 3-4 days. Now.. she is a new woman


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Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 12

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I've only been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen - I'm not a martyr though and had the co-codamol ready just in case!

Unfortunately I did FAR too much 'research' on the internet and convinced myself that I was going to have every side effect going and never eat normally again! I'm just getting over that now! Can your daughter in law eat pretty much what she wants?
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@Anonymous  Yes she can....and does...though sometimes I 'remind' her gently if she over-indulges in

fatty foods.:smileywink:

Sometimes she gets a little indigestion if she over-indulges. Nothing like the excruciating pain she had though.

She feels she is back to normal and the operation gave her a new lease of life.Smiley Very Happy

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Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 12

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That's really good to know Cleoriff. I found so many stories from people who were no better than before and couldn't eat normal food that I was beginning to worry! I might try a chocolate biscuit tomorrow...

I am planning on joining Slimming World when I can drive as I've started eating more healthily and and I want to keep up the weight loss.
Message 9 of 12

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@Anonymous wrote:
That's really good to know Cleoriff. I found so many stories from people who were no better than before and couldn't eat normal food that I was beginning to worry! I might try a chocolate biscuit tomorrow...

I am planning on joining Slimming World when I can drive as I've started eating more healthily and and I want to keep up the weight loss.

That is the best factor of all. (weight loss and eating healthily) Daughter in law did the same. She lost 2 stone

in total and helped her immensely wink

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Girl in a jacket
Message 10 of 12