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Hello All!

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I hope you're all ok. I'm 5 days on from having my gallbladder removed and, right now, wishing I'd taken my chances with the pancreatitis! I know that's totally ridiculous but I'm the world's worst patient! I somehow managed to survive the needles thanks to my ever so patient husband and the lovely medical staff, none of whom laughed at me for my fear. I have my jar of gallstones, one of which is the size of a small marble! At the moment I'm being well looked after by Harry Puss whilst listening to my new Billy Joel CD and trying to pluck up the courage to eat something - one plus point is I've lost 7.5lb!

One thing I will say is I will never, ever understand why people have operations for cosmetic reasons!
Message 1 of 12

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Hi Tracy glad to hear you had it done was it laparoscopic (keyhole) I do hope so mine was supposed to be but didn't go that way and I had to be opened up and stitched twice with 2 general anaesthetics not fun it is great though you should be able to eat ok now without the fear of the pain Chin up and well done for going through with it slight_smile
Message 11 of 12

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Hi Damien, yes it was keyhole thankfully although I was warned that I might need to be opened up - I was thankful it had gone to plan and there were no stones left in the duct so that should be the end of it.  I'm sorry your op didn't go to plan - keyhole is painful enough so I dread to think how you felt.  I've had a couple of days of wishing I hadn't had it done but as @Cleoriff pointed out, taking my chances with pancreatitis wasn't an option.


I haven't plucked up the courage to eat 'normally' yet and my GP told me today to introduce foods gradually - I was worried that I'm not really hungry but she said that's nothing to worry about.  The weight loss stands at 10lb now so I'm not complaining about that although there must have been an easier way of doing it!

Message 12 of 12