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o2 iphone insurance

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hi there 1st post here so lets go

went off on holiday over a month ago came back reported my iphone volume switch has came out (iphone 3g 8gig) over 12 months old
got the insurace £10 a month

o2 insurace accepeted the claim , but they dont have any phones in stock

this has now been going on for 2 weeks , and got a snoty letter back off them this morning saying tough we dont know when we are gettiing them in stock ya just have to wait (words to that effect)

not happy in the least

i asked for the new 3gs , they said no straight away

i pay all my bills ontime (DD) so thay cant throw that back in my face

any help guys nd no i`m not bothering with the ombudsman (waste of time)
Message 1 of 494
493 REPLIES 493

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so whats your move going to be if you get what ive been told
Message 31 of 494

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Oh dear, my phone keeps freezing and i reported this today. They said they would send me a brand new one as it was the result of dropping it but i have also been told they are not in stock but are expecting a delivery. (i now suspect they said this to keep me sweet for now and get my excess payment asap)

I had a situation like this not long after i got my first iphone and the screen got smashed, they kept me waiting for over 2 weeks and whenever i rang i got fobbed off. Eventually i got really annoyed and got my mom on the phone (shes good at getting what she wants over the phone to these companies) and they coincidently had one just made available for me.

When i first upgraded to iphone i had the exact same problem then also. Poor poor service from 02. The fact they cant even give an estimation really annoys me too. Surely apple give them a delivery date. :robotmad:
Message 32 of 494

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roz , thats what i was told weeks and weeks ago , i`d get a brand new replacement

so you could end up in the same boat as me , the next time you call them and say will it be a brand new replacement my best advice ask for the persons name and make sure its been recorded on your file , and make sure u keep note of time and date nd the person that said it will be a brand new phone

gud luck keep us informed

and no i am not letting this go , as its been said they have been getting my £10 a month now for 13 months for what was sold as a new for old replacement
Message 33 of 494

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Have they been trying to palm u off with a reconditioned one or something then?
Yeah i have been paying insurance monthly also and it annoys me that were paying it and not getting any sort of good service. Not even a loan pone for ####!
Message 34 of 494

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i have been told the same as you i rang o2 head office as all i was geting was fob off for the last 2/3 weeks and got put throw to a manager who said you can have a recon sent out asap i said no way send me that out and i wont sine for it i stated new for old and thay said ok you have to weight if you want new 1 so i went to my low col 02 shop and ask for the manager in thar told me the 8g 3g is no longer been made to sell and its not right that you are been weighting ween you are paying on time all the time am thinking of seeying a solicitor or the papers to get out of the contract iv log a complaint to been 2 days and not rang them so c whats going on ring them now

soz for some of the spelling

Message 35 of 494

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I'm now also waiting on an iPhone 3G for over a week. The last guy I spoke to told me they had none in stock for the past 5 weeks... Paying £10 a month for the past 2 years for nothing!

Once I get a replacement i'm leaving o2, customer service is beyond bad
Message 36 of 494

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So what is the point of O2's ' insurance ' if it's not to put you back in the position you were in before you had to make a claim ?
Message 37 of 494

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I put in a complaint yesterday, after being told all about the next day replacement, and no mention of that being dependent on stock. And how the terms and conditions state that if a phone wasn't available the next nearest would be sent.

I said that I was giving every opportunity for o2 to rectify the situation, following this I would be writing to the financial ombudsmen with full details.

If I receive a reconditioned phone, which is being delivered to my work, so I wouldn't actually be signing for it, and would be signed for before I saw it, it would be a second miss-sell in the same transaction.

Having previously worked in insurance sales, it is not just what you say, it is the impression given and fair expectation of terms. In no way does it say when they guarantee a product to be replaced, but for an insurance product sold with next day, a week is longer than a fair expectation time. I've sent my details over to a mate who is an insurance lawyer and I'll let you know what I hear back but from what I have told him verbally he says it would appear that o2 are in the wrong.
Message 38 of 494

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keep us updated hirsty with what your friend says
as i dont know what to do write to do next maybe write to the ombudsman and get them to look into to in deeper or even write in to bbc watchdog , i`m sure watchdog would love to pick up on this a national phone co ripping peoples claims off
Message 39 of 494

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There must be so many people in the same boat, If we all wrote to Watchdog on mass it is likely to be looked into very quickly as they love to get stuck into these companies.

I'll keep you updated when I hear any more.
Message 40 of 494