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o2 iphone insurance

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hi there 1st post here so lets go

went off on holiday over a month ago came back reported my iphone volume switch has came out (iphone 3g 8gig) over 12 months old
got the insurace £10 a month

o2 insurace accepeted the claim , but they dont have any phones in stock

this has now been going on for 2 weeks , and got a snoty letter back off them this morning saying tough we dont know when we are gettiing them in stock ya just have to wait (words to that effect)

not happy in the least

i asked for the new 3gs , they said no straight away

i pay all my bills ontime (DD) so thay cant throw that back in my face

any help guys nd no i`m not bothering with the ombudsman (waste of time)
Message 1 of 494
493 REPLIES 493

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again got a bit heated on the phone to o2 insurace i did say to the o2 rep that this is not direct to you , which was understood

the o2 insurace rep did say (which i think he regrted) we are getting a supply this week, i said did u say you are getting a supply this week he then backed off and i said i can hear yoiu typing away are you recoring this , he said yes its getting recorded and i said am i right you said you said your getting a shipment in this week he them tried to push me off the subject about recording

i then kept pushing it down the o2 rep insurace throat about this is getting recorded yes in the end he said yes its getting recorded , i said thats all i want to know you said o2 are getting a shipmnet in this week
Message 21 of 494

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end of the day am i right or wrong pushing for what i deserve not a recon model but a new 1 that states on the o2 website

if they cant supply the model i`ve got i get the next 1 up

now i`d really like honest ans as i`ve kept in o2 side of the contract now about time o2 kept there side of the contract
Message 22 of 494

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Sorry you've had a tough time of it! In contrast, I smashed my iphone on friday (an old Iphone 3g) and Im just waiting for the replacement today to come to my office. They gave me the 3gs as a replacement...So its not all bad. Im SURE it depends on the person you get. My lady was LOVELY and couldnt do enough to help.
I suppose it was helped by the fact that i was slightly drunk and was flirting aswell!!

thinks this a complete mick take , a o2 rep having a laugh
Message 23 of 494

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I've looked into it more. The 16 & 32 gb 3gs is being replaced by an 8gb 3gs. could this be the phone they are waiting for. knowing they can get rid of most of the 16 and 32 on cheap contracts, and leave us waiting until release day?

Can you see them from a business point of view purchasing many more 3g phones since they can't actually sell them, and would only be used for insurance when I bet there isn't that much difference to a 3GS 8gb.

I don't care which phone i get, I'd even take an android, just so i have a phone right now. I haven't not had a phone for 11 years, and this is the one time it's ruining my life. I'm missing calls regarding jobs and moving to the other end of the country and it is actually affecting my future, so I'm seriously peed off at o2.
Message 24 of 494

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have any of you had a new iphone yet as i am going throw the same thing and its been 3weeks now and still geting no ware
is thar any warein the t&c to get out ?????????

any help would be great
Message 25 of 494

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got a suprise email from o2 insurace saying my phone will be delivered this fri
going to call them up and see what 1 they are sending out
Message 26 of 494

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got a suprise email from o2 insurace saying my phone will be delivered this fri
going to call them up and see what 1 they are sending out

hi can you let me no how you get on as am just geting messed about and what phone thay are giveing you thay will give me a recon but not takeing that no way if it f**k's up i don't want to go throw all this

Message 27 of 494

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really foaming now, after driving 10 miles eachway to citylink to pick up my replacement guess what was waiting for me

a recon phone

i instructed the os insurace rep that i will not accept a recon phone

do they not listern ?????????

o2 you really have ZERO customer support

on the phone now on hold will update when i get through

Message 28 of 494

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just spoken to ace insurance(the underwriter) also o2 customer insurace

first off ace has said tough thats ya replacement its upto u what u do now (washing our hands with ya), thank you for that

and then o2 insurance again all they said its out of our hands its upto ace

then i went on about its on your website that its new replacement and how much i`ve been dragged from a to b and back so manytimes, and now your saying accept the recon for now and then take it up , hahaha no chance thats me accepting a recon and case will be closed off
so now they said all you can do now is write an official letter in reg post and see what they say

telling them how much i`ve been messed about

or if o2 are reading this how about canceling contract on both sides so i can go elsewhere

you`ve all been warned recons are getting sent out now , i didnt accept it , would and are you ????
Message 29 of 494

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just spoken to ace insurance(the underwriter) also o2 customer insurace
first off ace has said tough thats ya replacement its upto u what u do now (washing our hands with ya), thank you for that
and then o2 insurance again all they said its out of our hands its upto ace
then i went on about its on your website that its new replacement and how much i`ve been dragged from a to b and back so manytimes, and now your saying accept the recon for now and then take it up , hahaha no chance thats me accepting a recon and case will be closed off
so now they said all you can do now is write an official letter in reg post and see what they say
telling them how much i`ve been messed about
or if o2 are reading this how about canceling contract on both sides so i can go elsewhere
you`ve all been warned recons are getting sent out now , i didnt accept it , would and are you ????

no way iv been paying for insurance 15 munths so if i did damage my phone i get a new !!! this is what you pay it for NEW PHONE!!! thay are just takeing the piss out of us all takeing the cash we pay for the insurance

i will not be accepting a recon now way

sik of them
Message 30 of 494