on 23-01-2014 16:05
on 23-01-2014 16:05
on 24-01-2014 12:53
on 24-01-2014 12:53
on 24-01-2014 12:53
@adamtemp64 wrote:beyond what you agreed to at the point of sale
One line inserted by Ofcom to keep the networks happy!
Time Ofcom went down the road I think as they are not fulfilling their remit.
on 24-01-2014 14:15
on 24-01-2014 14:32
on 24-01-2014 14:32
on 24-01-2014 16:23
on 24-01-2014 16:23
on 24-01-2014 16:27
on 24-01-2014 16:35
on 24-01-2014 16:35
on 24-01-2014 16:47
on 24-01-2014 16:47
When I've been Vodafone customer they've happily enforced a price increase at any time quite regularly whereas in the past o2 didn't. Let alone that they've decided to change my billing date several times just to confuse things. Note its at a specific time that it will happen rather than 30 days notice which is at least clear. No doubt the other networks have agreed in principle to follow the guidelines but they'll be plotting another way to extract the cash from their customers. Wait for the calls to CS coming out of inclusive minutes...
On the other hand, it might actually accelarate the move away from long contracts into sim-free purchases like the refresh offering. Either way, if you go PAYG the prices will increase as well so nobody is going to escape the rises. We have plenty of choice these days to move around so don't hesitate to do it if it works best for you.
on 24-01-2014 16:52
on 24-01-2014 16:52
on 28-01-2014 19:52
I totally agree to all the other posts regarding price increases mid contract, surly we should have the option to accept the new price or end the agrrement. I will certainly be moving when my current agreement is up, even though it has still some months to run, as far as I'm concrned it is sheer greed and profiteering.