I also said last night that I decry the short term attitudes that businesses seem to have nowadays...all Game Theory and rip-offs.
Think long-term and gain customer loyalty.
Right now my daughter needs a new phone and contract. Having seen the problems I have had with the iphone and o2, she is unwilling to get an iphone, despite the fact that she also has a macbook laptop, with which the iphone would be compatible.
I'm not trying to bring down the capitalist system of profit (oh ok, maybe I am) but am suggesting that for capitalism to work long-term, to build good relations between businesses and customers, to engender a feeling of good-will, a good business should be fair and transparent.
Mobile phone companies are notorious for treating customers badly to the extent that the European Union are trying to legislate against rip-off charges, particularly abroad.
Check this link which explains all:
http://www.betanews.com/article/EU_set_ ... 1216326619