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Rude face to face customer service

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Hi o2 would just like to say as soon as my contract is over i will definitely be taking my business else where. on the 21/04/2013 (at the southampton above bar street store) i had the pleasure of dealing with a very rude assistant manager of yours. His name was Russ and to say he had customer service skills is a joke i have no idea how he got to assistant manager.

The problem was that i bought an Xperia z from you on pay as you go and paid the full $499.99 up front to go home and find that when i use the phone to connect to the internet over wife it would take about 10 minutes for everything in my house to go offline all at once including my router. Now thinking it was my router at first i waited 2 weeks (going over your 7 day policy) to buy a new router thinking that was the problem and not the phone. But after spending £40 for a new router i am still having the same problem so i take the phone back on the said date above.

When i got to the store i was greeted by an assistant manager who after hearing my case said he would not do anything for me as it clearly says on my receipt that the policy is 7 days (great customer service already) and i tell him its in my right that if something is not performing as it should im entitled to a full refund if i wish by law. He was very dismissive and wouldnt listen and kept repeating the policy not saying anything else. Barely letting me get a word in edge ways because he continued to interrupt me at every turn about his policy. But when i did get a word in i asked him "are you saying your store policy is stronger than the law and any of my rights" he shrugged his shoulders at me.. Yep shrugged. Now I've worked in retail before and if i was acting this way so far a disciplinary would have likely come way to say the least. But he continued to be rude and told me that he studies law and he knows all about what i actually think my rights are and that he is right and the law in this case is wrong.

As he was standing there with an ipad i told him to google the consumers right act 1979 so i could prove my case he then went and put the ipad down on a desk and then started to offer me a replacement and told me if that didnt work he would only offer a service of repair. Even though i knew he was breaking the law i thought fine i will accept the replacement.

Now i get home with this replacement the wifi issue is gone how ever my 3g keeps failing making me restart my phone to re-initiate it. this is a £500 phone and dont expect this to happen. I have no idea how this Russ got a job at your company let alone get promoted to assistant manager he clearly has no customer service skills. retail is about the customer not being arrgoant and smug towards them.

I have contacted your complaints department to have no reply (what a surprise) so i have contacted trading standards and the citizen advice bureau via email to see if i can take any legal action which i will if i can. Usually this sort of thing doesnt bother me so much but its the sheer rudeness of your representative that has just been un-believable.

I'm not even sure if this will even get to you and if it does you will probably ignore this and nothing will come back to the assistant manager because thats how these big companies tend to work. You see it the way he clearly see's it. You have my money and could care less now.

If you couldnt tell as soon as my contract is over i will be taking myself else where ASAP.

Message 1 of 37

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That sounds like you've had some really bad service there unfortunately this forum is mainly customer based there are a few people on here you work for o2 though slight_smile

Message 2 of 37

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O2's policy is that any faulty phone will be replaced with a new one within 28 days. Clearly you unfortunately came across a complete numpty. When, in the past, we have had praise for a store representative, Leonard or Toby has managed to track them down to pass on the praise, in this instance they should be tracking "Russ" down for some retraining.....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 3 of 37

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Very good point MI5 wink

Message 4 of 37

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Just FYI, the 7 day rule is for "a change of mind" and has nothing to do with faulty equipment wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 5 of 37

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@MI5 wrote:
O2's policy is that any faulty phone will be replaced with a new one within 28 days. Clearly you unfortunately came across a complete numpty. When, in the past, we have had praise for a store representative, Leonard or Toby has managed to track them down to pass on the praise, in this instance they should be tracking "Russ" down for some retraining.....

But store policy doesnt out weight consumer rights


EDIT: aslo where there is a policy displayed isnt it also supposed to say in small print "your statutory rights are not affected" because it doesnt say that on my receipt. But that is the case my statutory rights were not affected but he refused me anyway

Message 6 of 37

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I didn't suggest it did.... After 28 days the repair or replace warranty kicks in. A repair will be attempted either by O2 or Sony (your choice). If O2 cannot fix it they will replace it.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 7 of 37

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No you are quite right and you were well within your rights to insist on a full refund as the goods were not fit for purpose I personally would have pushed him harder for that rather than accepting a replacement  

Message 8 of 37

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@Anonymous wrote:


EDIT: aslo where there is a policy displayed isnt it also supposed to say in small print "your statutory rights are not affected" because it doesnt say that on my receipt. But that is the case my statutory rights were not affected but he refused me anyway

As already stated - He is wrong !!

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 9 of 37

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I know i wish i didnt accep the replacement because i have probably just given away all my rights but i will see what trading standards/citizen advice bureau have to say. I should have just left and came back when the actual manager was in store as she was "out" but i question that to be fair judging by his attitude

Message 10 of 37