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Rude face to face customer service

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Hi o2 would just like to say as soon as my contract is over i will definitely be taking my business else where. on the 21/04/2013 (at the southampton above bar street store) i had the pleasure of dealing with a very rude assistant manager of yours. His name was Russ and to say he had customer service skills is a joke i have no idea how he got to assistant manager.

The problem was that i bought an Xperia z from you on pay as you go and paid the full $499.99 up front to go home and find that when i use the phone to connect to the internet over wife it would take about 10 minutes for everything in my house to go offline all at once including my router. Now thinking it was my router at first i waited 2 weeks (going over your 7 day policy) to buy a new router thinking that was the problem and not the phone. But after spending £40 for a new router i am still having the same problem so i take the phone back on the said date above.

When i got to the store i was greeted by an assistant manager who after hearing my case said he would not do anything for me as it clearly says on my receipt that the policy is 7 days (great customer service already) and i tell him its in my right that if something is not performing as it should im entitled to a full refund if i wish by law. He was very dismissive and wouldnt listen and kept repeating the policy not saying anything else. Barely letting me get a word in edge ways because he continued to interrupt me at every turn about his policy. But when i did get a word in i asked him "are you saying your store policy is stronger than the law and any of my rights" he shrugged his shoulders at me.. Yep shrugged. Now I've worked in retail before and if i was acting this way so far a disciplinary would have likely come way to say the least. But he continued to be rude and told me that he studies law and he knows all about what i actually think my rights are and that he is right and the law in this case is wrong.

As he was standing there with an ipad i told him to google the consumers right act 1979 so i could prove my case he then went and put the ipad down on a desk and then started to offer me a replacement and told me if that didnt work he would only offer a service of repair. Even though i knew he was breaking the law i thought fine i will accept the replacement.

Now i get home with this replacement the wifi issue is gone how ever my 3g keeps failing making me restart my phone to re-initiate it. this is a £500 phone and dont expect this to happen. I have no idea how this Russ got a job at your company let alone get promoted to assistant manager he clearly has no customer service skills. retail is about the customer not being arrgoant and smug towards them.

I have contacted your complaints department to have no reply (what a surprise) so i have contacted trading standards and the citizen advice bureau via email to see if i can take any legal action which i will if i can. Usually this sort of thing doesnt bother me so much but its the sheer rudeness of your representative that has just been un-believable.

I'm not even sure if this will even get to you and if it does you will probably ignore this and nothing will come back to the assistant manager because thats how these big companies tend to work. You see it the way he clearly see's it. You have my money and could care less now.

If you couldnt tell as soon as my contract is over i will be taking myself else where ASAP.

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Me too feel for him
Message 31 of 37

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not having the best of luck is he

Message 32 of 37

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Certainly isn't mate
Message 33 of 37

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Not well at all! 😞 when i finally got round to phoning them yestersay the wait exceeded their closing time so my call wasnt accepted.

Finally got an email back and they told me to give them all my details even though they were included in the email. Clear auto mated response so il be on the phone first thing when i get home from work.

But being realistic now i dont think im gonna get any help at all
Message 34 of 37

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I got through after a 30 min wait and i didnt get much help if at all any 😞 the complaint didnt get resigestered. They don't do complaints apparently so she said she will send my details through to store to get a call back from the actual manager. 


And as regards to the phone they said tough luck in a manner of speaking. They said the consumers right act 1979 is right but it states an echange or refund has to be made and she said that if the store only wants to give me an echange thats all im entitled to. 


Meh 😞 gonna use this months wages to pay off the rest of my contract and move else where i think. I feel pretty cheated.

Message 35 of 37

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 I recently had to use the SOGA to Argos to repair a faulty item and in my dealing with them i registered the complaint with Consumer Direct who were extremely explicit in saying that if an item is faulty then you are entitled to a full refund no matter what the retailer says


 they also sent this to quote


When You Find A Fault

The first thing to do if you purchase a faulty item is tell the retailer. You're allowed a "reasonable" amount of time to check that the goods are satisfactory (there's no concrete time given as "reasonable"; it means different things in different situations). The best advice is to check the item immediately and return it as soon as possible if there's a problem. If the goods aren't satisfactory, you can "reject" them and get your money back (but be aware that this right is also only for a "reasonable" time).

Instead of having your money refunded, you can accept a replacement or a repair, or even legally claim compensation (which in this case would just mean the cost of replacement or repair, effectively the same as a refund). If you allow the retailer to repair the item and it still doesn't work, you may still be able to get a refund."


Consumer Direct said that if Argos did not change their stance on the faulty item ( a treadmill that literally blew up after a couple of months ) then they would take the case on for me and issue legal proceedings against them, so i would stand my ground with O2 and tell them that you still have legal right's

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What do i do if i go back to the store and its the same as las time. rude attitude and we're both stood there like lemons repeating what we say? Really frustrated with the situation 😞


EDIT: i really want to speak to the citizen advice but their lines are open when im at work and closed when im free

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