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Joggler not receiving Sky News/Sports/Weather Updates

Not applicable
Has anyone else noticed a problem with their Joggler over the last few days ? Sky News, Sports or weather updates all appeared to stop on December 29th. Traffic and the calendar still work okay, so there is no connection issue. I have also tried powering down and back up and a factory reset. Any ideas ?

Message 1 of 37

Not applicable
Still no Sky News, weather or sports. Has someone in SKY stopped sending the updates to O2 - I presume it is an RSS feed.

Also I cannot actually get the joggler to hard reset - a "factory reset" just seems to restart the machine - all settings intact.

As before Calendar shows updates as does the traffic master feed - so clearly this is a feed problem. Anyone from O2 care to comment ?

Message 2 of 37

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This is a customer discussion forum, for us customers to talk. You would need to ask O2 directly.
Message 3 of 37

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mine stoped working jan26th joggler is a joke 2 units both had problems time to send back ithink
Message 4 of 37

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took back joggler they exchanged now all ok slight_smile
Message 5 of 37

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I got an 02 Joggler for Christmas, what a joke, it only works in the same room as the router, took it back to the shop, they refused to look at it put me onto Customer Services who couldn't help. Was told to send it back for repair, then told it couldn't be fixed and they would send me out a refurbished one, what a joke, the thing has never worked and now I have a second hand one, was told that because I spent too long (2 weeks) talking to customer services that it was out of it's 28 day replacement. They sent me a refurbished one which still doesn't work, they are taking nothing to do with it.
Message 6 of 37

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I have the same problem, everything working except that! so why should it just stop? Not listed on there FAQ I have looked throught help. no joy.
Mums is working fine! Just stoped 30th Jan 10!
Come on O2 show some interest, this could be so good, but you have just given up on it.
I fined it fantact to contact my deaf Mum at age 83 the screen and keyboard are great for her.
Message 7 of 37

Not applicable
I have the same problem - the updates stopped on 24 Feb. All other functions work fine.

As I had bought my Joggler via the O2 website I submitted a support call and was given a support team number to call.

When I explained the problem, they said that the news and weather feeds were not their responsibility, and that Sky must have stopped sending them! I suggested that they should try their own Joggler to confirm this themselves (surely they must have one?!), but they wouldn't. I asked if they were saying that all Jogglers will therefore have the same problem; they wouldn't comment.

I said that I must therefore insist on a replacement or refund, as the unit is not fit for purpose (ie. the features listed on their marketing info do not work on my unit). They refused, saying that the news/weather feeds are nothing to do with them!

I am currently awaiting a call from the support 'team leader'.

Can anyone out there with a working Joggler confirm if they have had updates since 24 Feb? Thanks!

Otherwise, it looks like the Small Claims Court for me. Unbelievable. A real shame, this could be such a good product.
Message 8 of 37

Not applicable
Just a thought, have any of you guys tried rebooting (unplug mains, wait 10 secs than plug it back in) your Joggler to get the latest news?

Mines working fine here...
Message 9 of 37

Not applicable
Thanks for the reply.

Yes I've tried that, and also used the 'Factory Reset' option, but neither appear to help. There doesn't seem to be any way of doing a complete system reset, ie. one which wipes all settings - if there were, I could imagine that might indeed solve the problem.

Thanks for confirming that yours is working though, that at least proves that the Sky feeds themselves are fine, and something is wrong with my unit.
Message 10 of 37