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Boosting signal and Boost boxes

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Can anyone explain to me the rationale behind not offering pay monthly customers a boost box to improve signal please? o2 tried to explain it to me yesterday, but I still don't see the logic when I don't have a good service. 


The full story: Until a few months ago I had a blackberry phone, which I inherited from my old job, along with a boost box. The signal worked well, in what is a pretty rubbish signal area in my local/home area


Then - I started having problems with my signal. I asked for advice from O2, who told me it sounded like the boost box had stopped working, and to take it to my local o2 shop for repair. I duly went to the shop, was told they didnt repair them anymore as it wasn't worth it, and that with wi-fi calling, boost boxes were becoming obsolete. They persuaded me that the best thing to do was to chuck away my boost box and get a new phone with wi-fi calling. 


So after struggling to get anything, eventually that is what I did. 


However, although the signal improved when I was close to my wi-fi, in certain areas of the house, I still had no signal at all, and in my home office, which is separate to the house, nothing either. 


Soon after this, I dicovered an o2 phone mast in my area was not working - and that this was responsible for the loss of signal in the first place. Nothing to do with my boost box - nor my old phone.


It took approximately 4 months for this mast to be fixed which was very frustrating, as the date for the problem to be resolved just kept moving into the future. In this time I managed to boost my wi-fi a little, but even now, I often can't send or receive SMS messages nor get signal in certain parts of my house - particularly the area I use as an office, which is separate to the house. And in the immediate local area around the house, calls are so hit and miss as to be completely unreliable. Calling anyone or receiving calls only the daily dog walks is completely impossible. 


I've pleaded with o2 to give me another boost box to improve things at home, as it was on their advice that I got rid of the old one, and got a new phone. Unfortunately when I thought it was broken and not repairable, I got rid of the old boost box. I've been kicking myself ever since I found out about the mast problem, as there was probably nothing wrong with it.


Despite my pleading, o2 say they only offer boost boxes to business customers. I can't quite figure out the explanation why. Apparently it's something legal - about interfering with other signal in the area, which seems incredible. It would be OK for me to do that as a business customer, would it? I was never made aware that might be any issues with my old boost box, and there didn't seem to be an issue with me having that....


If o2 continue to refuse to help boosting the signal, can I buy a boost box off the internet myself and register it for use with my phone to use the o2 network? 

I've been offered a new SIM to see if that boosts the signal, but the phone and SIM I have are only a few months old. I can't believe it will really be worth the hassle (For a dinosaur like me, the prospect of potentially loosing contacts and photos like last time fills me with dread. restoring contacts was very painful)


I feel like I bought the phone and signed up to a new contract under false pretences with a network that doesn't really care whether I have a good service or not. 

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@ClaireLees short answer to buying your own boostbox is no unfortunately.

I can't answer for O2's decision on business customers only either, but this has always been the case.

If you feel mis-sold (which I would agree with) you need to make a complaint.

Use Resolver off the complaints link here

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Hi @ClaireLees , and sorry to hear about your recent issues, and I've checked on my end what I could find out around this for you.


The O2 Boostbox Service is only available for purchase, ownership and in life support by O2 Business Customers, and not for non O2 Business Customers we’re afraid. The service is integrated with our Business platform which is a separate system and platform to our Consumer one, which don’t inter-connect with one another.


Hope this helps!

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