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Pay and Go iPhone 5s on O2 with 4G nano sim

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Hi all,


This is my first ever comment but i am in desperate need of help so i thought i'd try to get help here. 


My problem is that I have an iPhone 5s on O2 pay and go.  I got an email a few weeks ago saying that 4G is available in my area.  So I set about getting a 4G sim.  A sim came, I did the sim swap and then I found out it was a 3G sim.  Since then i have been sent 8 sims.  Since the first problem I keep going online and checking with an advisor before I do the sim swap.  On 2 occasions O2 advisors have sent me 4G micro sims even though I made it crystal clear that I have an iPhone 5s and I need a nano sim.  On other occasions I have been sent sims that do not say 3G or 4G and I ask advisors and they say it is a 4G so I do the sim swap and then I am told it is a 4G.


I have spoke to loads of O2 advisors about this problem and they do not seem to grap my issue - I know there is an issue in the area, however my main problem at the moment is that I am unable to get the carrier update.  I have gone to general>about and nothing pops up to update carrier settings.  I have plugged it in to my laptop and opened iTunes and still no update.  I know there is an update as I do not have the new settings on my phone menu to allow me to enable 4G.


Also, my mum took it to the O2 shop and the advisor said it was my phone.  He told my mum that the software should be 15.6 and mine ia 15.5.  By this point I have already tried to restore the phone several times.  So I then contacted Apple and asked for a replacement as it was only a few weeks old.  There was a £29.00 for express delivery for a replacement as the other option would have left me without a phone for 7-10 days.  I got the new phone, I put in the sim (what I thought was the 4G sim) and still no update.


Anyways, inbetween that an advisor said she would swap the tariff for me to start on my next anniversary date (last week).  The anniversary date came and I was getting charged for calls and texts.  When I went online the 3G tariff was taken off and no other tariff was replaced.  So I complained and the 4G tariff was added to my account. 


A member of the O2 complaints department sent me a 4G sim and I did the sim swap.  When I do the 4G set up assistant it says that I have a 4G phone, a 4G sim, a 4G tariff and updated software on my phone, yet 4G won't work!?!?


I feel like I am hitting a brick wall.  I have spoke to over 100 O2 advisors in the last few weeks and been sent lots of sims.  I am extremely unhappy.  I am being told contrasting information by everyone I am speaking to.  Sometimes they are very unhelpful.  On one occasion I spoke to a supervisor and I asked him for a refund (as it says online that if you are not happy with 4G - I am obviously not happy since I can't even get it - you can get a refund and be swapped back to 3G) however he said that I couldn't get a refund.  I don't know what I am supposed to do.  I am on pay and go.  I have never had any issues with O2 in the past.  4G is definately available in my area and I have been promised by O2 that 4G is available on the iPhone 5s on pay and go so I have no idea why the carirer update won't work.  I have had my general settings checked and reset and re-entered and also my network settings but they are ok it is just the carrier settings update that I am unable to get.  O2 advisors have checked my account numerous times and they have confirmed that there is no issue with it.


I used to love O2.  My signal used to be very good and reliable and now it is on and off for most of the day. I never used to have any problems until I started the process to 4G.  I never had to contact O2 so much as I have done lately.  I don't know anyone who has an iPhone on pay and go who has gone to 4G so I don't even know for sure it is available, but it says online that it is and I have been assured by the O2 advisors that it is.  It is just really stressing me out.  I am paying for 4G but I have no way of getting 4G right now and nobody from O2 seems to be helping me.


I have been looking online for numerous solutions to this problem but nobody seems to be able to help me. 


I would be grateful for any advise that anyone can give me.


Thank you in advance.


Message 1 of 81

Not applicable
I totally agree with you slight_smile
Message 51 of 81

Level 23: Casual Specs
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I agree the chats are chopped up but I have had so many chats with advisors I was unable to post it all on here.


My main issue was always explained at the beginning of all chats - I was an O2 pay and go customer with a pay and go iPhone 5s and I wanted to use 4G.


I have lost faith in O2 advisors on chat as I had a chat with one person and was disconnected mid-conversation, I went back online and had to start chatting to a different O2 advisor and I was told completely different information.


I got my refund for the 4G tariff that I have been paying for as obviously there is no way for me to have it at the moment.


I will just have to wait until Apple approve the updated carrier settings for O2 pay and go. 


It is just a shame that it took over 4 weeks of chats with O2 advisors to finally get an answer.

Message 52 of 81

Not applicable

This is one of the reasons why we on here advise to speak to UK o2 customer service on 4445 payg or 202 contract for these types of queries.


Live Chat who are non UK outsourced callcentres have been known to get things muddled up on occasion. They are generally ok for low level non account/tariff based info.


Im close to getting my 5s from apple and will await 4g on payg for the iphone.


Message 53 of 81

Not applicable
Obviously the ones you chatted with were out when they supposedly got trained 😞
Message 54 of 81

Level 86: Prestigious
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When Apple eventually do update the carrier settings I would imagine that using 4G on Pay & Go will be very expensive.


Message 55 of 81

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Just as I was about to give up on 4G.......O2 have released the carrier update (15.6) for pay and go so I am now able to use 4G!!!!! I am very happy with it - it really is as fast as they claim it to be.
Message 56 of 81

Not applicable
Great glad you got it sorted slight_smile
Message 57 of 81

Level 94: Supreme
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Great news but we knew it was never gonna happen until Apple approved the update slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 58 of 81

Not applicable
Had the o2 website changed now to say the iiPhone is included in pay as you go for 4g
Message 59 of 81

Level 94: Supreme
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Nope.... Still says "not currently available" 😞
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 60 of 81