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Calling All iPhone 5s/5c owners. I need your help !

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Calling for help off all you iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c owners.



I really need your help in my dilemma at being near my time to upgrade to the next iPhone.



My History :


I have used various iPhones and my current handset is the iPhone 5 16gb Black-Slate, which I've been using for nearly a year on the o2 Network, and now am very interested in upgrading to one of the new iPhones.


What I'm asking from all you early adopters of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, is to please give me an honest, real life user review of how you are finding your new iPhone.


Your Reviews on ;


  • What is the battery life like for you, and how does it handle iOS7.
  • Is the iPhone 5s really snappier than the iPhone 5 ,with its new a7 chip.
  • How does the iPhone 5c handle. is it sturdy with the plastic shell.
  • Is the Camera and its functions better.
  • In true life what is the Touch ID like. Is it hit and miss or accurate.
  • What is 4G like on the new iPhone.
  • What colour and capacity did you opt for and why.
  • What handset did you upgrade from and how does your new handset compare.


As I'm going to be using the iPhone on the o2 Network I need you guys and gals to tell me how it really is.


Really looking forward to your frank and honest reviews.


Thank you in advance.





iphone 5s:5c.jpeg





Message 1 of 98

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Get a Galaxy wink
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Message 2 of 98

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@Anonymous wrote:


  • What is the battery life like for you, and how does it handle iOS7.
  • Is the iPhone 5s really snappier than the iPhone 5 ,with its new a7 chip.
  • How does the iPhone 5c handle. is it sturdy with the plastic shell.
  • Is the Camera and its functions better.
  • In true life what is the Touch ID like. Is it hit and miss or accurate.
  • What is 4G like on the new iPhone.
  • What colour and capacity did you opt for and why.
  • What handset did you upgrade from and how does your new handset compare.

  • Battery life is more or less on a par with previous iPhones
  • 5S is snappier compared to a 5
  • I don't have a 5C and like most people have zero interest in the 5C
  • Camera seems slightly improved although I haven't used it that much yet
  • Touch ID for me is about 98% accurate. Occasisionally I have to rescan but the majority of the time it picks it up no problem
  • I'll tell you as soon as O2 roll out 4G to my area
  • 64GB Space Grey. Went for 64GB as my current usage of the phone would fill a 32GB so 64GB gives me some breathing room. Went for space grey purely for stock reasons, otherwise I'd have probably gone silver this time
  • I upgraded from a 64GB black/slate iPhone 5. Besides the fingerprint sensor and the zippier processor the handsets are remarkably similar
Message 3 of 98

Not applicable

As sure as eggs are eggs, this time next year Apple will be slagging off the 5S camera, stating how much sharper the pics are on the Iphone 6, due to this or that, posting a grainy pic from a 5S.


From the 4S upwards, the pics have been great, fine for the odd snaps. A real camera is required for anything much better and professional shots imho.



Message 4 of 98

Not applicable
  • What is the battery life like for you, and how does it handle iOS7.

No different to iPhone 5 it seems...BUT...the M7 chip does help lots with things like step counters...minimal batery life.  So in real world once other fitness apps catch up...batter should be a lot better.


  • Is the iPhone 5s really snappier than the iPhone 5 ,with its new a7 chip.

At the minute, no.  It is no faster as most apps are not optimised yet for the new chip.  I tested them both side by side just to be sure as there was no obvious WOW on the new 5S which you would see coming from 4S -> 5S for example..


(The camera does open slightly faster which is good)


  • How does the iPhone 5c handle. is it sturdy with the plastic shell.

Can't comment really as I have the 5S, but knowing Apple it will be solid, sturdy and feel quality.


  • Is the Camera and its functions better.

Yes much better surprisingly.  Also the slow-mo is very nice (records at 720p)


  • In true life what is the Touch ID like. Is it hit and miss or accurate.

For me this is the best feature.  I expected a gimmick, but it is vry accurate, very fast, very useful.  No more passwords (except on first boot)


  • What is 4G like on the new iPhone.

No different to any other to be honest.


  • What colour and capacity did you opt for and why.

64GB Space Grey. Seems most people wanted the other colours, but for me this is the best looking.  Went for 64GB as well due to apps becoming larger, using phone more for photos and videos etc.. Better to be safe than sorry.


  • What handset did you upgrade from and how does your new handset compare.

Haha where do I start!


Over the last 6 months:


iPhone 5 - 5S is better

HTC One - 5S is better (However HTC Zoe/Video Highlight is AMAZING - as is screen)

Galaxy S4 - 5S is better

Xperia Z1 - 5S is better



Message 5 of 98

Not applicable
I came from a 4s, so it all feels a lot faster. The camera is nice and sharp and I do like the slo-mo video and burst shooting is also good.

I'm finding the battery pretty impressive compared to 4s. A new handset does get a fair bit of use and I'm sitting here 12 hours into the charge after general data use, plus a couple of hours of music and a few calls / texts at 67%.

As mentioned above, touch ID is very good. Fast and accurate.
Message 6 of 98

Not applicable
Can the touch ID be bypassed if a peice of sellotape is used with the fingerprint on?
Message 7 of 98

Not applicable
It has been bypassed but only by a high resolution copy of a thumb print.

The way you suggest just isn't high definition enough.
Message 8 of 98

Not applicable

@MI5 the answer after all our time discussing phones is still No Smiley Very Happy 



I've always tended to opt for the 16gb but I am thinking of going for the next capacity up this time. I may go for the 32gb this time round, as most of my music for commuting is on my iPodTouch. Do you think you'll fill up the 64GB just as quick ?


Why do you have to re scan your finger print ? Does it fail and you have to delete your scan and try again ? Do you feel its accurate and something you will be using regularly ? Do you feel that the iPhone 5s is a worthy upgrade to the iphone 5 ?



Have you upgraded from the iPhone 4s to the iPhone 5s. If so do you feel the difference from the upgrade. Would you have rather have stayed with the iPhone 4s ,or are you now happy with the iPhone 5s ? Are you using 4G or 3G ?



I take it you are getting a full days use with the iphone 5s ? Do you consider yourself to be a low > medium > high user ?


I did see some info about Apple asking developers to submit their Apps optimised for iOS7. Lets hope they start rolling out at a pace ! I was hoping with the a7 chip the iPhone 5s had a noticeable faster user experience. I'm liking the idea of the better camera apps and the slow-mo you mention. Is it really good ?


Like you I thought the touch i.d was a gimmick and would soon be something that would be simply turned off and the swipe to unlock used instead. I like the idea of being able to do more with the touch i.d such as buying apps etc. The accuracy sounds really good.


I assume the new gold version didn't interest you as this seems to be the must have version, although like you I will most likely opting for the space grey {possibly :smileywink:}


It seems that from the recent phones you have owned the iPhone 5s is coming out on tips !

Are you enjoying the new 4G speeds ? No regrets at all ?



I'm hearing more and more that people who have upgraded from the iphone 4 or 4s to the iPhone 5s have noticed the difference , and I'm hoping I feel the same when I move up to my next iPhone. It seems you are getting impressive usage times with the stats you mention. That's sounds encouraging ? Are you using 4G on it yet ?




Thank you so far for your insights.





Message 9 of 98

Level 94: Supreme
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You've no idea what you're missing wink
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Message 10 of 98